Florida (4)

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I want to understand her. Every deep crevice and ever curved inch of her attractive, captivating mind I want to comprehend. She was harder then any labyrinth, greater depth then the ocean. Nothing could finish the layers of her, and despite knowing her for just over a day I wanted to figure it all out. My thoughts were roaming around the thick steamed air bathroom as my body stood under the hot water.

I could feel each muscle relax but each part of my mind pondered on her. It was amazing how little it took for her to take over my thoughts.

The droplets trickle down my tattooed skin and my breathes began to get more shallow due to the heavy air. In the early afternoon, waking up next to her, taking this long shower, all was calm.

Until I heard a gut wrenching scream.

"Harry!" Her voice coils. It was a skin tearing scream, the kind that pushes past anything in its way and keeps trapped in your ears.

My body lunges out of the shower, no time to turn off the tap. I don't have time to care as I rip a towel from the fancy rack and fling it around my soaked waist. My wet hair pushes in the cold air as I fling open the door.

"Don't move!" Violetta's voice screams. Her eyes were wide, Pj's flung half- hazard on her body from the movements of sleep. Her hair was a wild mess of curls but even in this terror she was beautiful.

"What?" I scan the room scared of her fear, but my heart beat slowed at the relief that she was alright.

"Please just-" She screamed again.

"What Letta what!?" The nickname just fell from my mouth in the heat of confusion but her fearful face gave no sign of recognition.

"Look-" Her fingers rose in fear as she pointed to the floor. "Oh my god!"

My head falls down, following her small figure as I stare at what has gotten her into so much panic.

"Letta... this must be a joke." Her eyes widen, her head shakes. Is she really this scared?

"Just get it Harry just get it!" I couldn't believe how scared she got me over this. I thought someone had come in, maybe our window smashed, but not this.

"Its a spider Violetta."

"I know what it is Harry now kill it!" The small arachnid shuffles towards her and another scream rips through the air.

"Harry! Please!"

"Okay, okay, okay." My wet feet carry me into the bathroom before taking toilet paper from the holder.

"Oh no no no." She yells and as I exit the washroom I notice her small figure has moved from the wood floors to the bed. "Its gone, I blinked and now... its gone."

I couldn't help but laugh. Her cute nose crinkled and her morning eyes scanned the floor. "Get on the bed Harry it might still be near you."

I wanted to tell her that the spider is probably long gone, looking for a new girl to terrorize, I wanted to tell her that we should be getting ready for our first day in Florida instead of on this hotel bed, but her fear was to cute, and her need for me caused butterflies to fly all throughout my body. I hope she would need me more often.

My feet shuffled quickly, and I pretended to be fearful just for her, not wanting her to feel 'stupid'. I jump onto the bed and her arms immediately wrapped around my waist in need of protection that I'd willingly give her. Her arms were just inches from the edges of the towel, and her cheek pressed against my chest.

"Little old Letta afraid of spiders. Who would of guessed it?" I mumble with a smile, my chin resting on the top of her head.

"Everyone's afraid of something." Her body felt so wonderful against mine, I would beg to have her hold me like this forever.

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