I stood there in the forest, leaning against a tree. This tree was my favorite. I had grown up with it, watched it grow up too. I sat there with my notebook, looking up at the sky. The sky was full of wonderful things. Air, freedom- and birds. Small birds, big birds, and best of all... Birds of prey. I watched as a crow called out to his mate. He flew over and shared a mouse with her. You know, sometimes I relate myself for a crow. Because crows are hated and misunderstood. But in the forest, I felt understood. I felt comfortable. Like I actually belong there. I closed my notebook and looked at my watch, it read 9:49.
It's time. I thought. I climbed up and up the tree to the very top. This was, say, my 'perch'. At 10:00 pm, I would climb to the top of my tree, and look out. Night was my favorite time. It was mysterious and you could be whoever or whatever you wanted to be, because no one could see you. After about 40 minutes, I finally spotted what I was waiting for. An owl named Murphy, (I named it) came out of hiding and hooted a nice hoot. He did his normal routine as I watched him. Out of his hole, soars a little, then dives down. A couple seconds later he returned with a vole hanging from his mouth.
What fascinating creatures they are. I thought. Oh, how I would love to soar over the tree tops. Oh, how I would love to find my own food. Oh, how I would love to have extraordinary hearing. Oh, how I would love to be an owl.
* * *
"Theo!" I herd a voice. I looked down to see my best friend, Callie, looking up at me.
"It's almost 12:00! Get down from there!" She exclaimed.
"Alright, alright," I climbed down, grabbed my notebook, and started heading back home.
"How's Murphy?" Callie asked.
"Did you see anything else?"
"Ya, I saw another owl, a great horned."
"What kind is Murphy again?"
"Western Screech."
As we kept on walking, Callie stopped and looked at me.
"...yes," I said slowly.
"You know, your different from the rest. Very different. And I like that," she blurted out.
"Thanks...?" I was confused. I knew I was different, for example I liked reading instead of video games, a girl was my best friend, and I wasn't a jock like all of the rest of the boys in my school. I was a...nerd.
"Your funny in a different way," she looked at me.
I blushed. "...ok"
She laughed slightly, mildly punched my arm and walked on.
She's weird. I thought. Who would ever want to best friends, let alone just a friend, with a nerdy kid like me. I'm weak and skinny and I can't even lift a pound. Although I am fast. I smiled. I'm very fast. I thought about how I won all of the cross-country races since I joined the team. I remember watching Callie's face, as I met her for the first time at one of our meets, and watching her watch me in aw as I sprinted easily across the finish line.
As we passed her house, I smiled as she climbed up her tree into her bedroom, and I did the same with my tree into my bedroom in the house right next door.
I'm lucky. I thought. I'm lucky to have a friend like her.
* * *
I awoken at my normal time, 5:37 am, and got out of bed. I packed my lunch, my textbooks and notebooks, grabbed my glasses and headed out the door. My parents never woke up that early, and the never go to bed as late as I do. They don't say good night or good morning. They don't listen, they don't care. As I walked out the door, I noticed a card on the front step. I was about to throw it back in side, but I stopped when I read the name, 'Theo'.
That's my name. I stared in wonder. I never EVER gotten a letter from anyone but Callie. And this card was not from Callie. In fact, I didn't even know how it was from, it didn't say. I stuffed it in my backpack, I was going to read it later. I took of running into the woods. My watch read 5:58.
Perfect timing.
I arrived at my tree 6:00 sharp, whipped out my notebook and pencil plus my letter, and climbed up. After half way, I dropped my backpack my natural branch holder, and went higher. I arrived at the top of the tree just to see Murphy getting his dinner. Since owls were nocturnal, their night was our day, our day was their night. I watched as he flew with a mouse in his beak, into his hollow. Then, I noticed something different. There was not only his mate, Martha, but three other tiny birds. Owlets! Murphy had children! I scribbled away in my notebook as I drew his three possessions. I spent about 45 minutes observing Murphy and Martha's babies, and it was time to go. I took on last glance at the owls, and packed everything up, and climbed down. By the time I was half way there to Callie's, I noticed that I forgot to open the letter.
The letter can wait. I need to tell Callie about the owlets! I broke into a run, and rushed up her tree. I banged on her window, hard.
"What!?" She opened it, " I haven't seen you this excited since you got the Complete Book of North American Owls!"
"MurphyandMarthahadthreechildrenandtheirsolittleandsmallandcute-" I breathed heavily, "and-"
"Yea...?" I smiled.
"Slow down! Who's Martha and what were you saying?"
"Okay. Murphy's mate, Martha, had three eggs a long time ago and I was waiting and waiting until, they finally hatched over night!!"
"Yay!" Callie's smile grew wider, "I'm so happy for you! I mean them," we laughed.
"Okay know we actually have to leave for school,"I beckoned her down the tree. She grabbed her backpack and followed me. We walked to school, chatting about what to name the three tittle owlets.

The Owl Within
Fantasy13 year old, Theo, who is a die hard owl fan, will set off on a adventure with his best friend Calli. They will discover the undiscovered, explore the unexplored, and figure out something that is not what it seems.