My name is Isaac...

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   Once the class ended, Isaac decided to write a replay for that note. After he wrote it he left it on his desk and went out of the school to meet with Aatami at the bus station.

"Where have you been?" asked Aatami in an aggressive tone. "You almost missed the bus! You know that today is the day when that video game appears and I want to buy one before it's to late!" he was really angry... Isaac never saw him like that.

"Sorry dude! I was just..." he couldn't finish his apology because the bus arrived.


When the school was empty, she went out of the lockeroom and right into the history classroom where she knew she left that note. When she got there she was suprsied to find not her note, but another one signed by a boy named Isaac.

It read "Hey! My name is Isaac. Nice to meet you too, but I really don't know who you are."

"Great! Now some weird guy answered to my note. How stupid can you be to leave it there?" She said to herself. She wanted to throw away the other note, but then an idea hit her.

She quickly scribbled down a replay and left.

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