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She was wainting for almost an hour. She left her job earlier again today to meet Isaac and she started to think that this wasn't the greatest idea she had. And it also was freezing outside due to the bad weather at the end of November -she hated autumn, especially that month, it made her feel more depressed than any other time.

She wanted to leave, but then she saw a blonde, tall guy in skinny jeans and a large green hoodie coming in her direction. He also had a pair of glasses just like Harry Potter.


"Hello! I am Isaac! Are you Friday?" he asked while looking at the short, dark-haired girl with green eyes who was standing right in front of him, looking at her hands when she saw him staring at her, and also, she wasn't dressed properly for this weather.

"Hey! Errr... Yeah. I'm Friday! Nice to finally see ya!" She said while shaking his hand.

"So... what's your name?"

"Friday! I thought I wrote it on my notes."

"I thought it was a nickname..." then he blushed because he felt emarrassed. "Sorry!"

"It's okay!" She looked like she was about to cry.

"So... why did you left me that note?" He asked while rubbing the back of his head.

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