Chapter 1

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My amazing adventure started when I opened the door and found that there was nothing in it! It was a walk-in closet, so I decided to go inside to look. I crawled inside and found an Iphone. I grabbed to phone and a Hello Kitty case that was lying down beside it, and sat down. I have never seen a house builder that is a girl before! Maybe the Hello Kitty case just belonged to a weird guy that likes Hello Kitty or maybe one of the workers were a girl (like a house builder worker or a worker that puts stuff in the house like furniture or a sink and stuff like that).

The room was empty. The ceiling, the floor, the walls, and the door were all white. I just moved into this house today, so I was just exploring and looking around for somethings that the workers might have left behind. So far, I found a dime, a loone, an Ipod, a $10 bill, a pencial, 2 Iphones (one with a case, the other without a case), and a Hello Kitty case! : )
My search was going pretty well so far, so the workers who built this place and the people who put the furniture and other stuff in the house must have been very forgetful and careless.

I looked around more in the huge closet and found a little trap door on the side of the wall. There was a little, tiny blue key near the door, so I picked it up and unlocked the trap door. When I looked inside, there was a little dark tunnel that was just the right size for me to squeeze through the little door. When I was in the tunnel, I saw a little yellow light.

I went closer and closer towards the light until I saw it. It was gleaming and when I took a look and it, my eyes closed and I feel down suddenly. My adventure had just begun. : )

Thank you sooooo much for reading! I hoped you liked this chapter! I'll upload the next chapter soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment what you think is going to happen next! :3

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