Chapter two

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When Liz lets go she sees the bags of supplies in my hands and decides to help me. "I can take these ones" she smiles. I let her take them. "So where are you going now??" Austria says. "We are going to the lake for the weekend." I grin getting excited already. Austria and Hungary frown. And I already know what they are going to say. "Why do you put your self in such positions if you don't want to be found out Gil?" Hungary starts. You know it's already gotten harder when your *cough* ...breast...grew in." Rodrick blushes. "Yes. Yes. I know that it's hard to hide my BOOBIES!" I purposely say to annoy Rodrick.

I laugh and assure them that I will be careful and then decide to ask them why they are here. "I needed some girl time." Hungary said. She glanced at Rodrick and then whispers in my ear. "He's starting to get on my nerves with that damn piano at night." I just laugh some more and agree that she can stay till I leave Friday morning.

Rodrick said that he does not want to participate in that so he left as quick as possible. I turn to west who had been reading on the couch. "Weeeesssssssst lets have a small drinking party to night!!!" I yell. "No" he said not even looking up. "Westtttttt please!!" I whine. "Nien. Last time I had to buy all the beer and then drag your ass up the stairs" he said looking at me. "You know that I'm not heavy to you. You pick me up all the time. And I'll buy the beer this time. And I'll only invite Mathew and lovino and Feli and toni and Francis." I exclaimed. At the sound of Italy's name he agreed. "Geez west your more gay then I am" I laugh. "Gil your a girl. Your not gay idiot" he sighed.

*to the little party cause I'm a lazy ass*

After all the people started to show we started the drinking. Complete with dumb drinking games. Mathew as always suggested to be sober one and this time lud joined us. Half way through the boose everyone was already smashed. Italy and west had gone to the couch to make out, Spain was trying and failing to grind on Roma who was trying not to laugh at his attemps, Hungary was almost passed out on the floor, France was "dj" and was picking the dirty songs to play and me and Mathew were playing Mario cart and ofcourse I was winning. At least I thought I was. Looks like I can't even properly dive a cartoon car.

"CanCan!! Let me win!" I laughed out as I was going backwards. "I swear I will push your drunken self over if you call me that PruPru" said the quiet nation. And of course I took this as a challenge. "Yeah right. I'm too awesome for you to do that CanCan!" I smirked. And the all of a sudden I was on the floor with a laughing Canadian looking down on me. I put my hands up and grabbed his hoodie and pulled. He fell on top of me with a small squeal. At that point I thought it was the funniest thing. I turned my head as he did and our faces were close. I started to blush and pushed him off and tried to get up.

"Alright I'm calling quits on the game and heading to bed" I said as I stumbled to my stairs. "Here let me help you" he smiled. He took my arm and led me though the house to my room. When we got there he went to my draws and pulled out one of my white t-shirts and started towards me. He grabbed my uniform shirt and attempted to pull it up. But me sobering up abit caught him. "Wait! Matt I can do this. I'm fine. Please just get out. I practically yelled. He seemed surprised I yelled. "Alright man. It's cool. I'll go check on the others. You just get some rest eh" he said with his hands raised.

As he walked out Hungary stumbled through the door. "I don't know how you manage to get me drunk every time I'm here" she giggled. I laughed and scooted over so that she can sleep in my bed too. She went to my draws and grabs an old grey t and slipped it on as I put the t Mattie gave me on with the assistance of Liz ofcourse. I need help out of my bandages. When we were done Mathew walked back in and asked if he could crash in my bed to. I hesitate  and think. I can sleep facing away from him. So it wouldn't be a problem. I'm so awesome. So when we all fell asleep I had Liz on one side of me and Mattie on the other.

I woke up and Hungary had cuddled up next to me. I pushed her off the bed but she's to much of a heavy sleeper to wake up. I just laughed and put on some regular clothes. As I walked down stairs to see Toni, lovi, and Francis all asleep on the couch. I walked to the kitchen and was greeted by Mathew and Germany and Italy having breakfast. " oh hey Gil" Canada smiled. "Hey guys" I waved and grabbed some water. "So you and Liz huh?" Canada asked. I turned and looked at him confused. "You and Liz make a cute couple I always knew you were." He stated. In the background I can here lud choke on his coffee laughing. I probably looked mortified. My crush thinks I am dating my best friend. "No we aren't we are just good friends!!" I blurted out. He looked at me and laughed "it's cool. I promise I won't tell anyone."

I walk away feeling like a loser. I went back to my room to sulk. Hungary was getting up and started to change. As she did I told her what had happened she just laughed. As soon as she took off her shirt matt walked in. He immediately closed the door and shyly said he was just about to leave. I slapped myself on the forehead and fell on my bed. Hungary then looked at me with sympathy. "Look sweety I'm just going to go on and go home ok?" I just waved her off hating myself. I walked back down stairs and the only one here still was italy who looked like he was about to go home and get ready for tomorrow.

Germany went to see him out and walked back in. He immediately looked at me and asked if I was ok. "I am awesome so yes I'm ok" I laughed and walked up to my room and packed for the weekend. Some shorts and t shirts. And ofcourse some binding cloth. And other essentials. It was already 3 so I decide to eat a late lunch and take a nap. I made myself and Ludwig some sandwiches and we ate silently. After that I went to my room and crawled to my bed and fell asleep. Dreaming of curls, syrup, and pancakes.

I wake up and it's dark out. How long did I sleep?? I look around my room. My  my window next to my bed was open giving me some nice night breeze. I get up and check the clock. 8:45. I call France and Spain but they are already eating dinner and getting ready to sleep. So I call America and he and England are "hanging out". So I call Canada. "Hey Matt, whatchya doin?" I sing into the phone. "Nothing Gil what do you want" he laughed.

Mathew comes over to drive with me to the lake tomorrow. So he is going to crash here again. We are watching tv. We went to dinner. McDonald's much to his displeasure. And we come back to my house and get ready for bed. "I'm going to take a quick shower and then you can after me k" I say quickly trying to get clean. He just replies with a quiet ok. I strip and get in the shower and start to clean my self when I hear a knock at the door. "Pru I really need to pee. Can I come in?" I hear Matt say. Shit. Shit. Shit. "uhh y-yeah sure come in." I stutter abit. He is in the bathroom kinda naked and I'm naked. I guess this is as close as I'm ever going to get haha I think to myself. He finishes and decides to sit on the counter and talk to me. As if I wasn't nervous enough.

Thankfully Ludwig walks in and I look out to see his face. He looks kinda pissed that a man is in the bathroom while I take a shower but he can say anything. He just suggest that Canada leaves so I can get out. "Calm down west" I laugh. "I don't think he should be in here with you. Have him sleep on the couch tonight" he hisses. "That's rude luddy. I'm not doing that to him. Now get out" I smile.

Canada takes a quick shower and I put my out on a really tight sports bra and a loose shirt so he can't tell and hope into bed. Canada slips in and I can smell my body wash on him. "Why do you use girl body wash Gil? I smell fruity." He giggles. "I like the smell." I reply hiding my blush. We say our good nights and fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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