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Cover by brokenpencil21

A pair of bright green eyes stared back at me through a piece of broken glass floating in front of me. There were a couple of shards of glass hovering around in this... box. There was no other word to describe it. Just white nothingness with pieces of floating glass. The space didn't seem to end, though. So it was a rather large box. A large white box with pieces of floating glass - along with me, of course. I couldn't tell if I was there in body, or in spirit, because I only saw the eyes in the glass I looked in. Every piece I saw in my peripheral vision was blank.

Suddenly, with a deafening noise sounding of a sharp intake of breath, the fragments of the glass shot together with blinding speed and formed an oval shaped mirror. The eyes did not move, but a body slowly started forming around them, like vapour solidifying. Milk chocolate skin, and small rounded nose and full, exotically shaped lips were framed by thick, soft dark hair that stopped at her shoulder.Arms, legs and a torso covered by a floor sweeping bright green gown that matched her eyes completed the young woman in the mirror. Then, three times as fast as it formed, the figure was sucked out of the glass and reformed four feet outside it - right where I was. I looked down, and saw arms, legs, and a bright green dress. It seemed a little strange to me then, having brown skin and green eyes, but I paid it little attention. One second later, with a sharp crack! , the glass shattered. The fragments took up their earlier positions. This time, when I looked at the glass, the woman was there again. Except, this time, she was not inside it. She was a reflection.


The raspy whisper echoed around the space. I figured it was talking to me - who else was here?

"Who's there?" My voice was strong, and it too echoed, and slowly faded.

"Chrysophrase. You have 1 year. You must complete my task in the time provided."

"Task? What task?"

"You must annihilate him. You must obliterate his being from the face of the earth. He has done wicked things, but good must prevail. I will live inside you. I will guide you. I will lead you to him. But, I cannot tell you how to defeat him. You must defeat him on your own. I must leave you when the time of battle comes."

"Lead me to whom? Why do you have to leave me? Why do I have to defeat him?"

"All will become clear in time, young one. But we must go. You will be left in New York, North America. Everyone around you is a pawn, but to whose side they belong will be unclear. You are my Queen. And he is their King. He must be disposed of."

Before I could respond, everything around me started to become hazy. I felt lightheaded, and weak. Every muscle in my body wanted to give way and just fall to the ground in a crumpled heap. I felt a small weight placed around my neck, and then everything faded away.


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