Chapter 1

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I woke to find myself sprawled out on a glass floor. Looking around, I noticed that not only the floor was glass, but the walls and ceiling were too. It gave the impression of a wide open room, while it was actually very small. Light shined in from all around, making the space bright and airy. I sat up, and felt an object hitting the base of my neck. I held it carefully in my hands and inspected it. It was an hourglass, dangling from a silver cord. It was filled at the top, empty at the bottom, with shimmering green dust trickling very slowly.

"Chrysophrase," The voice made a reappearance.

I shot up and looked around. "Who are you? Please, show yourself to me."

You want to see me?" I nodded hesitantly, not liking the way the voice sounded. "Very well."

The room suddenly became dark - pitch black - and it was as if I was in a clearing in the dead of night with no moon. Every one of my breaths seemed deafening in that instance, as I stood stiffly waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, a whirlpool a glowing vapour appeared in front of me, roughly sucking in air as it spun. I jerked forward, the tornado pulling me in.

Needless to say, I was freaking out. My head jerked in all directions, willing an explanation to appear. Thankfully, the pulling died down as the whirlpool faded from the top down. It disappeared completely, and the room brightened. What I saw there was utterly confusing - absolutely nothing.

I looked around. Again. " Hello?"

"Down here!" A rather squeaky voice shouted out. "I'm down here!" There, on the glass floor, was a tiny rag doll waving up at me.

"You?" I don't know why, but I felt like laughing.

The doll sighed. "I know. This is why I prefered to stay in my other form." It stretched its arms out to me. In an unconcious movement, I bent down to pick it up. "Do you know what that is?" It said when I was standing again, pointing to my neck.

I shook my head. I felt it had a purpose, and saying 'hourglass' would make me look stupid. "No, uh.." I hesitated.

"Call me Sight." It said, noticing my pause.

"No, Sight."

"That, Chrysophrase, is your time. When it is finished, you are, too. It's filled with Chrysophrase dust. It's a gemstone you were name after - it's also the colour of your eyes. " I nodded, to show I was listening. "Now, Chrysophrase, listen very carefully. When you go through that door, you will find yourself in your new home. These people living there have agreed to adopt you. There very nice people; good friends of mine.Well, I'm their friend, but they think they're hearing voices." Sight chuckled. "They're from Jamaica, so I'm sure you won't ever be bored with their antics. Anyway, you will be enrolled in Gemlinock Academy, the local Highschool. You are 16 years old, and you are in Junior Year. They will address you as 'Chrys', or 'Chryssie'. Please try to blend in, and tell no one of your objectives, or else he will have his whole army against you, and he will control the board."

She pointed to the wall farthest from me, and it turned white, with a door in the center. I walked towards it, with Sight in tow. "No, wait! Stop!" I halted in my tracks immeditely, and she leapt from my arms. Before she touched the ground, she spun and disappeared in a wisp of smoke.

"Chrysophrase," The loud raspy voice returned. "I cannot go beyond this threshold physically. I can only be with you in spirit. I am not yet strong enough to roam the earth freely. He will detect my presence, and I will not be able to hold my own in battle. When you want to see me again, the door will make itself known to you, and time will stop once you've stepped foot in here. Good luck, Chrysophrase."

I nodded. "Thank you, Sight." I walked out of the glass room and into a very modern, teenage bedroom. As soon as I closed the door behind me, the bedroom door burst open to reaveal a middle aged woman with light brown skin, and laugh lines. So this was my adopted mother.

"Chrys! What you doin'? What you have on that dress for? Hurry up! You gon' be late!!"

Oh dear.

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