Chapter 18

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Ashton's P.O.V.
I'm Ashton Styles and I'm finally getting my own Point Of View! It's about time. I mean I'm 15! Well anyways I'm excited! Right onto my story. So it's a few months since the last chapter and my birthday has passed and stuff. Time to tell you about my day and my thoughts and feelings.
I wake up at the usual time 7.30am . I get up and get in the shower. Once I've showered, I pick out my uniform. Once I've done my shirt and tie, I head through to my sister's room. I knock on her door and she opens it. She's wearing her uniform too. A skirt and tights with a polo shirt and jumper. We head down stairs together and walk into the kitchen at just after 8.00am. 'Morning mom. Morning dad.' We say in unison. 'Morning kids.' Mom and dad say together. Me and Darcy sit up at the kitchen island. Mom places a bowl of cereal each in front of us. We eat it up as her and dad eat theirs. At quarter past, me and Darcy stand up from the island and place our bowls in the sink. We then rush up to our rooms for our bags. I slip my jacket on and we go back downstairs. My dad has the car keys in hand and we head outside to the car. Mom and dad drop me off first before they drop off Darcy. Dad would drop off mom if she had work and then he'd go see my uncles some times. Well the day drags by at school but lunch finally arrives. I walk into the lunch hall, get my lunch and head to my usual table. All my friends are already seated. Josh, Kieran, Lexi and Casey. The last seat is in between Josh and Casey since the table is round. I take my seat and everyone greets me. I give a fist bump to Josh and Kieran and a high five to Lexi and Casey. 'So hows everyone?' I ask. Everyone mumbles replies except Casey. 'I'm alright, my shoulders hurt though as I had about 6 textbooks in my backpack.' 'Awe that sucks. I hope you're alright.' I say. Case smiles. We all eat and talk about our days. I then start telling jokes, just like my dad. Josh shakes his head at me so does Lexi. 'Your jokes are so bad bro.' Lexi says. 'Your dads are well better.' Josh says. 'I agree they do suck.' Kieran says. I then retreat into my seat and let them talk amongst themselves. Casey places a hand on my arm. 'I like your jokes Ash.' She smiles. 'You do?' 'Yeah. Tell me more.' So I spend the rest of lunch telling Casey my jokes and she laughs at everyone of them. The bell rings so we put our trays away. 'Hey can I come over after school and you can tell me more jokes?' Casey asks. 'Yeah that should be fine.' I say. 'My parents obviously don't get back till 6 so I'll tell my brother just to go home without me.' She says.
Finally the end of the day came and Casey followed me into the car park. 'Hey buddy. Hey Casey.' My dad greets us. 'You coming over Case?' He asks. Casey nods. 'Ash is gonna tell me more of his jokes. You taught him well.' She says. Dad laughs and tells us to get in the car after thanking Casey. Once we get home, me and Casey head up to my room. We walk into my room and Darcy follows and makes herself comfortable on my bed with Casey and begins talking to her. I fold my arms and look at Darcy. 'Darce.' She ignores me. I groan and turn to leave my room. I walk downstairs. 'Dad, Darcy stole Casey.' I pout. Dad chuckles. He stands up and walks to the stairs. 'Casey! Come down here a minute!' I look at him confused. Casey comes downstairs. 'Yes Mr Styles?' She asks. 'Firstly it's Harry. Secondly, come with me.' Dad takes Casey out the back. Mom walks through the door and I rush to her. 'Mom! First Darcy stole Casey and now dad has!' I pout. Mom hugs me and laughs. 'You'll get her back.' She says and walks away. Ugh. Casey then rushes towards me. She hugs me tight. 'I believe you have something to ask me.' She says, smirking. 'W-will you, be my, girlfriend?' I ask. 'Yes! Yes! Yes, Ashton!' She squeals. I hug her tightly and kiss her cheek. YAAAAAYYYYYY!
I've got a girlfriend! My best friend!!! We then go upstairs and I tell her jokes then we eat dinner and then me and dad drive her home. We then come home and I spend the night talking to my dad about how me and Casey can go on our first date. 'Looks like there's gonna be two Casey's in the family.' Dad laughs. 'Oh yeah Aunt Casey!'
The next day in school, my teacher begins talking to us about Sèx. 'Always be safe kids. Don't be a teen mom or a teen dad. Use a condom.' My teacher says after one long period of learning about sex. It's almost an hour long period but now we all know how to have sèx and safely and the risks of infections. Most of the guys in my glass were laughing and was wanting to try to put a condom over the model. One boy who's a total jerk, went to roll it on the model and burst the condom. And everyone starting laughing at him. When I head outside to the car, I'm still laughing. 'What's funny?' My dad asks. So I told my parents all about the boy in Sèx Ed. 'He ended up bursting 4 condoms.' I laugh. 'Son, that's not very nice to laugh at him and it's not nice to laugh about Sèx Ed.' My dad says being the good parent. My mom laughs though. 'Are you kidding? That's hilarious. But Sèx is a serious thing, son. If you want to have Sèx, then wait till you know she or he is the right person and it's meaningful love making.' Mom says. My dad looks kinda sad when mom says that. I guess since they've been looking after us for so long, they don't have time for love making anymore. 'Oh, can I stay over at Kieran's house this Friday?' I ask. 'Yeah that's cool.' Mom says. 'Darcy is staying at Lila's house on Friday so that means we get the house to ourself.' Mom says to Dad and holds his hand. Dad smiles. Aw how nice but at the same time, ew.

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