Chapter 7

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The rest of the morning was kind of a blur, I couldn't remember a time in my life when so many people who are not part of my family made me so happy.

But then again this was a little like family.

Everyone wanted to say something to me and though it was heartwarming, I had never been more terrified of screwing up in my life.
We had formed a bond that I really was almost desperate to keep.
I had to find the Queen.

It was the only way.

Though even after meeting all these people, I had not met the other Guardian. And no one had mentioned him or her so I was a little afraid to ask.

I knew Gabriel had been quietly watching me all morning just like he was doing yesterday as if he was waiting for his moment to pounce on me.

Now there were just a few of us left in the dining room. Finn was sitting between attractive female twins, a bulldozer couldn't have pulled him from there. Gabriel had left ages ago.

I turned and offered Cedric a smile. He had sat next to me all through breakfast and fielded some of the questions I couldn't handle.

"You alright?" He asked.

I nodded vigorously with a grin. "Never better."

"Well, I'm glad you are having fun. We can't have you bored now, can we?" He grinned pushing me slightly with his shoulder.

"No, we can't." I replied pushing him back.

"Hey, did you know that you have a lot of hair?" He asked flicking my high ponytail.

I snorted. "Really? I thought it was just a squirrel camped out back there." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.

He mock grinned. "Seriously though you are going to get a headache from that knot." He said pointing at the knot my scrunchy made.

It already was giving me a headache but no way I was letting my hair loose. "You let me worry about that." I mumbled.

"Wanna see something interesting?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but I don't trust you..."

"Oh come on." He stood up pulling me with him and before I knew it I was being dragged through countless flights of stairs.

"Cedric. Where...??" Was all I managed to get out breathlessly.

"Almost there." He replied.

And sure enough the stairs ended and we were at the roof door. He took a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. He stepped out into the sun again pulling me with him.

"Wow..." I whispered. Everything was Lots of trees and grass. I could see some plains here and there but it was still very vegetated.

"Why are there so many trees?" I asked Cedric who had walked to the railing.

He smiled. "Come see for yourself." He directed his gaze down to the ground.

What was down there? I walked to the rails slowly.

My breath caught and goosebumps made their way across my arms and i involuntary backed away from the railing. I had never seen anything like it before.

"Are th-those...werewolves?" There were tonnes of them emerging from the bushy trees. And they were huge. There were like three wolves at the front leading the rest - a black one and two brown ones.

"Yeah. " Cedric responded with a slight smirk.

"Wow!" I breathed. It was scariest breathtaking scenery I couldn't tear my eyes from.

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