Chapter 9

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"Lesson 1. Under no circumstance must you tell any human what we are, what we do or where we are." Gisele announced as she barged into my room unceremoniously.

Since my walk with Finn we had gone up to my room to talk and muse over how we were going to tell mum and dad about all this. Surely they must be wondering where we were. We had to put their minds at ease before they sent out a search party to find us.
We had decided not to tell them anything about this place and Nana until we had found her and we hadn't made any progress in 3 months, we could tell them. But then again there was the issue of school. I was in my last year and Finn still had two more years so we really didn't know what to do about school.

The thing that scared me was that at this point, nothing else seemed to matter and in just a few hours or lives had taken a completely different turn. For once in my life I felt like I was doing something right and I sure as hell want about to quit.
Finn seemed to feel the same way I did about it. Finn had found this purpose a long time before I did which is why he probably was nonchalant about the incessant bullying at school. Nonetheless we needed solutions to our current dilemmas.

We were deliberating this when Gisele barged into my room.

"Do you know how to knock?" I snapped.

"This is my house. I don't knock."

Wait, what?

"Your house?" I asked incredulously.

"That is the thing I said." She responded eying me drily.

I was still working my mind around this being her house.
"Your house?"

She sighed exasperatedly. "I cannot work with dumb people" she retorted.

"Sorry. I was just a little surprised." I muttered saying a silent 'wow' in my head.

"Yeah no kidding, Santana." Cedric smirked clearly amused as he leaned against the wall.

I pouted a faint colour washing over my cheeks. "You still can't barge in here unannounced."

She merely rolled her eyes. "Your training starts today. And rule number one is 'Do not bring strangers to my house.' Do you understand?" She said harshly bending down to be on the same level with me as I was sitting on my bed. "You will blow our cover and the whole operation will be compromised. Got that?"

I looked up at her my eyes wide. "She followed us here. I didn't tell her anything."

Giselle held up a hand to silence me. "I don't care. It must never happen again. Do you know what happened the last time mortals" she said the word line it disgusted her "found us?"

Finn and I just stared at her waiting for her to continue.

"Do you?" She asked again straightening to glare at poor Finn.

"I thought that was rhetorical." He muttered.

"They massacred nine families. Brutally. With no regard at all as to the fact that they were living breathing creatures." Her eyes had grown hard and and her expression unfathomable.

I wondered if someone she knew had been murdered at that time. "When did this happen?" I asked.

"About four years ago." Cedric responded quietly looking at a spot above my head. "That's why we never stay in a place for too long. It's dangerous. So it's better that we stay a secret."

"I don't care about you but there are people here that I care about and would like to keep safe. So think before you act. Understand?" Giselle put in coldly. I nodded. "This isn't the place for you to be a brat.

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