yay it time for pups

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so it was finally time was in the room possibly breaking my mates had from squeezing to hard but I hate the word push now but hell I finally got my cubs

I have seven a lot more than two

three girls, two boys

there names in order from oldest to youngest


Cameron and Constance and Kyle triplets (identical)

Noah and Nichol twins (fraternal)

and topaz the smallest and last one the were so cute I love them all

you can tell that Cameron got the alpha gene and so did Kyle

but the surprising thing is that the only shifter is topaz I no this cause the others who I bore as baby's were in there with a actual cub she being the shifter is special but I don't now when she well shift back

she did not hurt the other except.......

..........well I had one more but I died at birth it was the other shifter I was going to call him Jay but at least the rest made it and I shall Change back next week

sorry so many short chapter's but it's all I can write because I have tests and I need to sleep now but in joy -cat o and ya thanks for the names...

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