Chapter One

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Aaaaahhhh!!!!! The scream still echos in my head. All I can remember is a storm and a shipwreck and that horrible life or death shrieking scream that echoed in my head. I washed up here on this island 10 years ago when I was three. Today is the day I washed up on shore so I made that my birthday.So today I turn 13 years old.

I found an old leather journal five years ago which I think is my mothers and according to the journal there is a legend that a 13 year old girl would earn the magic powers of the island Chiaki.I want to ask someone but no one else lived here on Island Chiaki except for a strange old man named peter and I for one was not going near him!


"Hello mika!" I said softly to a blue island dolphin. She was my best friend she lived at a little cove on the edge of the island. She came to visit me so much that I've learned to speak her language. Well actually I just make a noise like it but I know what it means !! She gave a little flick of her tail and turned around. "You want me to ride you don't you?" I asked. "Well all right!"I giggled as the dolphin let out a playful little splash and flap of her tail.

I leaned over the island wall looking down at Mika and then I climbed over and landed on her.The time when I first met Mika was when I was little like six years old. Now I am 13 and celebrating my birthday with a dolphin.I have long curly brown hair and a long white dress made out that washed upon shore with me because my cloths from when I was three. My hair flies in the wind as I'm riding Mika. We ride all the way around the island skipping where Peter lives. A bird I know fairly well named Ozzi swoops down with three golden flowers in it's beak. "Why thank you!"I say politely to Ozzi as he flies of. I put the flowers in my hair and pull my hair back with a vine. The only thing I have left now is my mothers mirror. Ozzi found it for me for my last birthday.

It's beautiful!! It's a rusty old gold mirror with a beautiful red circle on the back. I stared into it longly wishing it could make my mother appear. I wish I knew where my mother was I thought and then realized I said it aloud. Suddenly the mirror's surface began too ripple and an image of a beautiful lady with long brown hair that looked like mine in a brown dress writting a letter. She was reading it aloud as she wrote it. "My Dear sweet Rosenly I hope your alive and safek, I hope you get this letter and I hope your okay. I've heard rumor that your on island Chiaki. I hope you are no one dares go there but I would for you. I know it's safe because I ve been there just in case this letter falls into the wrong hands please read the rest in my diary. I hope you've found Marie. She is very kind. You'll find she looks old but is quite young and yet she's so beautiful. She's actually 1,825 years old but that's young for an old rusty mirror. Why did I name her well ask her. I know I really am dilusinal..." then she winked. Could she really be talking about this mirror?She continued" Talk to old man John he's a sailor who was supposed to return from his trip to Chiaki a year ago but he probably got so attached to the island that he didn't want to leave he has a son whose about two years older than you named Peter..." Peter, old man peter?" He'll tell you the rest. I love you my sweet child oh and one last thing whatever you do stay on the island. I asume youv'e met Mika right. Isn't she beautiful. She will protect you and so will Peter there are many secrets of that island you do not know Rosenly and good bye for now. Sighncerly , your mother, Belle." She rolled up the letter and stuck it in a glass bottle and walked outside to the ocean she whispered something to it kissed the bottle and threw it out to sea where it floated out in to the distance. Soon I was staring at my reflection again. That's my mom. That's my mom!" That's my mom!" I acssidentally said out loud.Suddenly a glass bottle that looked just like the bottle in the mirror washed up on the shore in it was a letter

. I pulled out the letter and read"My Dear sweet Rosely,..." It was the same letter! i looked back at the mirror and said "Marie are you there?" I waited. " Oh this is silly I'm talking to a mirror!" It isn't silly," a girls voice said. I looked at the mirror a young girl who looked about my age appeared smiling." Are you Marie?" I asked. "Yes," she said and I'm your mothers magic mirror." Wow! Just WoW!!

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