Chapter 2

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When I awoke there was sand in my mouth and drool and sand in my hair. My head ached I must have fainted. Then I remembered everything letter, mirror, girl. Then I realized something what if the mirror broke!!! I glanced over and examined the mirror it seemed to be fine.

Bracing myself and taking a deep breath so I wouldn't faint again. "Marie are you there?" I asked uncertain. After about 5 minutes of silence I realized the truth I must have overheated and fainted and dreamt the whole thing. But then I heard a voice. " I'm a little bruised but okay!" I turned to look at the mirror. There in the mirror was Marie's face. " Please don't faint," she said. " I won't ," I said. " I'm Marie as you guessed and I'm 1,825 years old but in human years thats about thirteen!" she said enthusiasm leaking out of every syllable. Her long blond hair waved around her shoulders her blue eyes dancing with adventure her island blue dress sparkle from an invisible light. She wore a blue dolphin necklace and her blond side bangs just barely covered a long scar.

"Did I give you that scar !!!" I gasped. " Why of course not!" she said letting out a giggle that gleam still in her eye. "Then what is it from then?" I asked my curiosity obviously showing. The gleam in her eye started to fade. She turned pale and stared into space for a minute then slowly jerked back to life. " I wasn't always a mirror you know," she said still staring into space then she looked at me an icy cold stare penetrating my bones. " I was a girl, thirteen actually, my name was Marigold, like the flower," she seemed to smile for a second before she turned icy cold again. " Me my ten year old sister violet ,9 year old sister Daisy, 7 year old sister Rose, and the youngest 4 year old sister Lilli were visiting the island. At this time the island was full of people especially on this special day. It was my birthday and I was the only one who could get the magic powers of the island. But then 5 minutes before my coronation I had to use the bathroom on my way a man grabbed me and stuffed me in a bag he played a song on his flute and held a mirror up to me. I was trapped in the mirror. The only way I could be saved was by being held up to the sunrise during a coronation . The man dropped me and ran to the coronation. He wanted to take my place and throne and all the powers for himself but couldn't. I always ask the next heir to the throne if I could have their place and gain their powers but they were too selfish and wouldn't give up their place in return they did not receive the islands powers. There was always a riddle only your mother figured it out so only she has become a ..."She motioned for me to listen to her in a whisper. " Queen of the island" she said in an excited whisper. " You mean she inherited the powers of the island!" I whisper even more excitedly. "YES! ! ! ! !" she shouts. "oops"she whispered. "Any ways so whos next in line for the throne?"I asked her. "ummm..." she gave me an uneasy feeling. "you."she gave a false smile. "what?!!!!"I tried to scream but mainly it came out in a squeaky high pitched squeal. " But how?" I stuttered. "your mother was the last queen or princess or whatever and you are the next,"she told me. I'm a princess? What? "But..."I sank to the sand. "But ahh..."giggles" I'm no Princess. Princessess have castles and guards and moats and crowns and crowns and Princes. I only have the trees to sleep in Mika as my only protection this vine for my hair and I don' think I've ever even seen a man in my life! except maybe before the accident but I don't even remember that so that doesn't count." "haahh I understand that you don't understand yet even I don't know much except for that you are the princess okay."said Mari in a calm yet tired voice. "Okay." I said. I pulled out the diary and began to read. " Mari why does Mother keep mentioning secrets , power , magic , and a boy who will save my life. I mean listen to this it's a poem. The bird tweets softly, The waves roll gently, my heart sings to its content, a power, a magic, a seret held in my hands, I'll hide it in my heart,My girl listen closely, a secret here lies within. a bird and dolphin for protection and also for a friend but the thing you need most lies within. Your true friend that boy shall save you and become your lover boy help you through the dark hour and carry you away. What is this?"

" ahh your mothers song a magic thing. it goes more like this." "he bird tweets softly, The waves roll gently, my heart sings to its content, a power, a magic, a seret held in my hands, I'll hide it in my heart,My girl listen closely, a secret here lies within. a bird and dolphin for protection and also for a friend but the thing you need most lies within. Your true friend that boy shall save you and become your lover boy help you through the dark hour and carry you away. " she sang." Wait a second"she said her face turning ashen. Then in a worried voice she said "I think it's time to see Peter.Now!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2015 ⏰

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