Just a friend

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It didn't work. She sat there laughing in the corner as I cried on the ground. The placed looked like a murder scene. I felt like a failure, but she was obviously the happiest she had ever been. It was like ruining me was entertainment to her, like I was just a game. I was done.

Two years on and I was still feeling the same. My body was scarred, and my mind was a mess. She was still there with me. She came with me to my regular hospital visits, she reminded me daily of why I needed her, but still I was nothing. By this time I had started seeing someone, a shrink. The girl came with me to every appointment, she stopped me from saying how I really felt, and she told me that I didn't need anyone's help. She told me that no one else but her could ever understand me so there was no point in trying. I would sit in the boring, starchy room, staring at the four blank walls, silent, while they asked me questions and tried their very best to figure me out. They had no chance. They didn't know what to do with me so they passed me on. I always got passed on.

After a few more months of useless appointments, I had found someone who stayed. She wasn't a shrink, a doctor or any other useless person. She was actually a friend. I felt like I hadn't had one in a while, but truth be told she had always been there, I had just pushed her away because I thought that the girl was more important. Everything was going good with this friend until the girl got jealous and started world war three in my head, but this time it was okay because my friend was there to help me through it. I was okay.

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