Love songs.

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People write love songs about feelings living like hurricanes in their hearts, and I love one like that, but I adore one more when a song speaks about you in every word sung.

And I wrote a song last night and if my voice was soothing enough, I'd sing it to you with no hesitation, but I sing terrible and it's a shame because those words are far from terrible.

I should know that spending all day thinking about you will only lead to crazy thoughts, like the one where I never plan on leaving your side, unless the day comes when it's what you want.

I adore to believe your favorite tune reminds you of me and how sparkly my eyes get when I see your face or how much I adore to be wrapped in your arms, or how I make you laugh.

Now I understand all those love songs, the ones I've written and the ones on the radio, and I've come to realize they all lead to one path and they all lead to one thing and it's you.

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