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A/N: So I changed my tumblr username yet again to keep up with my latest obsessions. Check it out😏😏😏😏


Harry had always been skeptical about getting married. He'd been to enough weddings to know that they were stuffy and boring, and that Mrs. Weasley and Hagrid cried. Nonetheless, he had plastered a smile on his face every time Ginny rattled off the name of yet another type of cake. He had never thought Ginny would be the type to care about such a trivial thing, but her lengthy speech about 'every girl's dream' had soon laid that thought to rest. They were getting married in America, on some gold bridge that the American Ministry had enchanted to make the Muggles think was under construction. Harry had thought it silly, but now that he was standing here, on the this bridge that was actually red, looking that his bride's red hair standing out against the bright blue sky, he understood why he had shelled out a hundred thousand Galleons to rent this place. It was beautiful, just like his soon-to-be wife and her dream wedding.

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