Part Two

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Have you ever ran faster and you don't know how you did it? Well this is how: you simply just double-tapped the walking strait key. You would see as if your lurching forward, then running! Warning: Don't sprint until you no longer can, your hunger bar would soon disappear!

Hunger Bar

Okay, so you must be wondering what the hunger bar is. It is the line of chicken leg things. You have 10 to spare. . . so watch out! If you look closely, you might see a chunk of the meat eaten. If say you had 10, and one of the chickens is just the outside shape, you have 9 left. You are always getting hungry, but when you sprint, you get hungry faster. To replace those legs, switch to the lowest difficulty or eat food. (Not sure if raw chicken is toxic yet!!)

"Cheating" (You need at least one world)

I wasn't sure if you would call it cheating or not, but I decided you should know how to do this! Tap on the app "Minecraft". Once you get past the loading part "Mojang", you should be at the part that says play. Click play. Tap the pencil looking box to the far right on your chosen world. Under the worlds Game Mode, there is two boxes. The box on the left side says Survival. The one to the right is Creative. The box that is dark is the one you have originally chosen. If you click Creative say, you were on Survival before, you now have the powers of flying and much more. If you have a house you've built in Creative, it would still be there if you have decided to switch back back to Survival. Some people call this cheating because you can for example spawn a series of pigs then get them into Survival. Warning: If you have things in your inventory before changing to Creative, once you switch back, they're gone.

(Pictures shown later)

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