I Remember

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I remember that day better than any other.


I remember you. The way you laughed, the way you jumped when you were excited; even the way you used to crinkle your eyebrows when you read. I remember everything.

I wasn't able to see much of you before you left; only what he made you into. I do my best to not remember that time. To try and think of how you were. But, sometimes I can't help it.

Sometimes the memories won't stay locked away.

We had gone to the park. Ate ice cream, played on the swings, we even bought a kite and flew it around for a while. I remember how sad you were when the string broke and the kite flew away. You were like a little kid in that way; you got upset about the smallest things.

We were sitting on the grass, staring up at the sky, when I asked you why you were so upset about losing a silly, little kite. I'll never forget the answer you gave me.


"Just think about it," you said with a slight twinkle in your eye, "we'll never get that kite back. We could buy another one, but, no matter how similar they looked, it wouldn't be the same kite." You paused awhile before continuing. "Haven't you ever thought about that? A few moments ago, this was the future, but now it's the past! We are never going to get those seconds back again. Even though they are exactly the same, they're completely different."

"You thought about all of this because of a stupid kite?" I asked with a hint of sarcasm.

You flicked my head and started to laugh.

"Hey, I spent fifteen dollars on that stupid kite!" You said, trying to hold in your laughter. "I don't know why losing a kite brought that up. I guess I overthink things."

"You can say that again," I told you, dodging your hand as you tried to smack me.


I didn't understand what you meant until later. You were trying to tell me that time was precious and that we should cherish it because we won't get a second chance; too bad I understood too late.

I remember how you protested when I wanted to go home. How badly you wanted to watch the sun set from the hill.


"Let's go home and I promise I'll make you the best dinner you've ever had," I said, silently praying that you would change your mind.

"Fine," you answered. Before I could jump for joy, you added, "but, if I don't like the food, you'll owe me a sunset."



We never did get that meal.

I remember how I woke up to your terrified, tearful blue eyes, but was unable to move and comfort you. I remember how you struggled when he touched you and how you cried out when he slapped your face. I remember how you screamed for him to stop. I did my best to distract him; to direct his attacks away from you. I remember how much it hurt when he finally turned to me, but the pain was nothing compared to how I felt when I heard your cries of agony.

I remember how you cried that night when I held you. I remember how you begged me to stop taking all the pain for you, telling me you were strong.


"Don't you get it," you screamed through your tears. "It hurts me to see you in pain too!"

"I'm not going to allow him to hurt you any more than he has. I promise."


It turned out to be just another promise I couldn't keep.

I remember that day. The day he found out hitting you hurt me more than anything he could do. I remember how he tortured you; how he laughed when he heard my screams of protest. I remember how you broke when he took it away from you. Something you could never have back.

I remember his smile as he did it.

His grin.

His stupid smirk.

I remember how you collapsed when he was done. How your face was wet with tears. I remember how much it hurt not to be able to protect you.

I remember how casually he walked up to you with that thing. How effortless it was for him to say he was tired of you; how you were boring.

How he was bored.

I remember how calm your eyes looked when he rose that thing to your head. I remember how you smiled at me for the last time.

"You still owe me a sunset," you told me.

Then you were gone.


The lawyer paced across the courtroom floor.

"How did you feel at that moment?" the lawyer said with a hint of sympathy.

"I felt like the world had ended; like my heart was ripped out of my chest. Like the sun had set, never to rise again."

I RememberWhere stories live. Discover now