Riley bully?

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It's been a month me and Farkle are still together and Riley's been acting weird me and Maya are going to pick her up right now. "Why are you still in bed"? Riley was laying in bed and all we could see was her head.

"I'm sick cough cough sniffle sniffle". She's such a faker, I could tell this was going to be some personal chiz.

"I'm gonna go meet Farkle and Lucas". Maya gave me her really sis look. "What someone has to". I put my hands up in defense.

"Fine go kiss your boyfriend before school". She new that he's wasn't my boy friend, yet I mean we only kissed one time and didn't want to move to fast can you blame us?

"He's not my boyfriend". And with that I was out the window. I walked a few blocks and I saw a tall girl with her hood up on her phone I couldn't see her face but I knew her from somewhere. I saw Farkle and Lucas walking by the entrance to the subway I ran over and jumped on Farkle's back. "Hey love".

I got of and he hugged me Lucas rolled his eyes. "Hey Dj".

We walked down and two ladies walked by. "Farkle". They said that every time they saw him which was every week.

"Ladies". He always responded like that.

"Farkle". He looked at me and could see I was slightly annoyed.

"D.J.". I rolled my eyes. "Come on you know I'm a flirt but don't mean it".

"I know but just try not to do it around me... love". When I called him that he does whatever I want.

"Ok". he leaned down and kissed the top of my head right as the subway arrived.

"Come on guys I'm right here". Just then Maya and Riley came walking down.

"And Riley's there". He turned around to see where I pointed and I jumped up and kissed Farkle's cheek and we all walked on the subway.

Farkle rested his head on top of mine it was so annoying how short I was and how tall he was compared to me so turned around and put my arms around his neck. "Why are you so tall I can barely reach to hug you". He looked at me and picked me up holding me close.

"Better"? He had the cheesiest grin on his face I put my head on his shoulder.

"Much better love". He held me like that till our stop I'm glad I'm light.

The rest of the way to school I rode on his back and he ran ahead of the group. "Don't fall off".

"Don't drop me then". We stopped and waited for the group Riley still seemed off not sick but like there was something wrong she didn't sit with Lucas on the subway and she seemed mad at Maya that's a first.

We got to school and went to class Riley still didn't talk to any of us. Matthews was talking about war I wasn't paying attention until Corry asked what happens when human beings go to have a disagreement. "They talk it out". I wish Farkle was right.

"They go to war".

"Why can't they talk it out"?

"Ok you and me against Farkle"! Isaiah and Lucas shook hands. "They go to war"! They both yelled that made me jump. Farkle got out a Ping pong ball shooter and shot it at them.

"You shoulda talked it out". He went on about these two guys who were having a duel one man shot in the air in surrender but the other man thought he had been fired at and shot back he shot the man and killed him he went on but I had to listen to Riley and Maya.

"No more Riley town don't say that any more".

"But Riley we love Riley town". She cut me off.

"Stop it Riley town is a goofy silly weird girl stop being a bully"! Me a...a bully I felt the tears start to run down my cheeks and I sat back down and Riley kept yelling at Maya.

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