Jonah's Prayer Lesson (Jonah 2:1)

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"Then Jonah prayed unto the LORD his God out of the fish's belly,..." - Jonah 2:1[KJV]

1. Jonah prayed- when he was into deep trouble, he never made prayer an option. He earnestly seeks the face of God because he knew that he would be heard and answered. It is true that he disobeyed God in the previous chapter but God forgives those that comes before him with sincerity and humility. Jonah deserved to die at but God rescued him and showed him grace and mercy.

2. Jonah prayed in fish's belly- this shows that there is no specific place that limits our prayers. Wherever we are, we can pray and we can expect our prayers to be heard. No place on earth can deprive us from the freedom to have a relationship with God.
3. Jonah addressed his prayers to God- the Hebrew name used for God here is YAHWEH. YAHWEH means Lord; Self-existing One; Eternal; Supreme Being; Giver of Life. He acknowledged that God is the One who gives life and is sovereign over all. Jonah disobeyed God to do his own will but realizes that that he had been a fool and only the Lord's will prevails. Jonah surrendered his will to the sovereign God and lets him do His will.
Let us not make prayer our last option or limit it to a place or situation. Let's pray always. Never let situations or emotions control our Actions, but leave everything in God's hands. Whenever we come in prayer, we should not let our guilts hinder our prayers. Instead let us recognise our failings and sincerely repent before Him. We must realize to whom we are praying and accept that His will alone should be done. God knows what is best for us. Stop trying to put your plans forward or to get things in your advantage, let YAHWEH do His plan.

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