Chapter 7

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"Honestly, what are you doing??"

"Doodling. It's so boring in English. Look, it's you!" Lenka replied, busily scribbling away on the paper with her pencil and holds the paper up to see a doodle of me looking very angry at a poor Lenka.

"Haha, very funny." I muttered and looked out the window.

"Come on, draw with me!" Lenka said going over to me.

"As if I would actually do such a childish thing...." I shot. "But it's really boring as heck so as might as well I'll give it a try myself--Hey, how did you get that?"

I touched the bandaged part of her leg but Lenka winced, so I quickly placed my hand away. It looked serious and there was a bruise on her shin, but I thought it better to ignore.

I took out my pen and started to scribble away, while Lenka's eyes followed the point of my pen and her face slowly scrunched up. "Hey, why am I a cat next to a dumpster??" She yelled. I held in my snicker and said. "Because you're like a stray cat getting attracted so easily to things that are so worthless like falling for me who doesn't like you."

She puffed up her cheeks and said. "I guess you're right! The one that I realized was worthless was you!"

Oh hell no she didn't.

"Okay! I'm glad you think of me like that because at least you don't like me anymore. I'll be with someone then." I said.

She doesn't reply.

I guess she wasn't going to fall for that trick for the third time.

Then I stood up, and she still didn't move, so I walked out of the classroom. She still didn't move. So it's a battle again that she wants? Well, okay then--That's when I bumped into someone, and I managed it to catch her in my arms before she hit the floor, only to find that it was Rin! She turned red and I did the same. "Um...Rin-chan! Sorry! At least I caught you!"

Great, I just mentioned it when I just wanted to ask her if she was okay and forget about the 'catching' bit.

"A-are you okay? Did I caught you too aggressively??"

I helped Rin stand properly as she smiled and said. "Yeah! I'm fine! Thank you, senpai!"

We just stood there blushing in silent until Rin spoke up and said. "Well, I'll be on my way then! See you later, senpai!"

I waved at her as I did the dumb smile. It seemed like I was standing there with a dumb look on my face until I felt two arms wrap around me,. I was alarmed and looked down, only to see that it was Lenka. She looked like she was about to cry again....But I was too happy to say that I always won and instead, just ignored her, walking back to class.

"Oi, don't cry or people will get suspicious of me." I said.

She wiped her tears on my uniform, but I didn't care because it was at least my uniform is black and people would just think it's a stain or a shadow.

It was really strange of Lenka to be silent the whole time without being a bother, but I didn't care about that one too because at least she wasn't being loud and wasn't being a nuisance. It was just getting so peaceful for once.

"Psst, Hey Rinto, have you heard? They changed the date of the school ball to this Thursday! You're going to take Lenka with you? You two would stand out under the spotlight!" Len whispered.

I laughed at him and said. "As if we would. People would laugh at me going out with my stalker....Even they don't even know she is."

Len snickered back as I looked at Lenka who was minding her own business. She only sat there, looking down at the desk, and with her hands on her own.

"And besides, I already found who should be my date. I'm also asking her out to be my girlfriend!" I whispered. "You know Rin-chan? That really cute girl!"

Len's mouth dropped and patted me by the back. "Good luck man. Gotta win her heart before that big-Meito guy will! Right now, I overheard he and his friends on the boy's changing room at the PE department that he was going to try to get Rin to get rid of you, and I didn't know what that meant, until now. Hey, I'm counting on you." He said giving me thumbs up.

"Thanks man! Bestest bud I had in years." I said.

Len laughed and said. "And besides, Meito's gone in a trip down to another place for another game with the other school. You'd better ask Rin out before Thursday comes because that's when Meito's gonna come back to school, and because he's away, he has no idea about this until he comes back and the girls are firing him about the dance since nearly all the girls like him and want him to ask them out on a dance."

I'm doing this right now. If I don't do it right now, I won't forgive myself when Meito gets her.

I found Rin at the top of the school, alone and reading a book, which leaves me a good chance! All I need to do is do something not too awkward and that might Rin would laugh at like.....Scaring her back for scaring me! Yeah, I always think before saying something towards Rin.

I was about to step in, until a bunch of girls ran over to Rin screaming and blabbing a hundred a time. Well that went my chance.....

{Rinto's notebook: To do list}

1) Ask Rin out

2) Tell Lenka the truth

3) See more info about the dance

4) See who's going with who to the ball

6) Who the hell does Meito like too other than Rin?? The person he likes can look attractive enough to change his mind....If he does have one.

(The next day after school)

{Rinto's notebook: To do list}

1) Ask Rin out-FAIL AGAIN. Thanks a lot people.

2) Tell Lenka the truth-Failed this one too. I can't bare to hurt her feelings.

3) See more info about the dance-It'll be held at the hall and I quickly need to get a tuxedo. Borrow Dad's.

4) See who's going with who to the ball-Len is out with Kaiko, Gakuko and Meiko is sharing with Luki, Mayu is with SeeWoo, SeeU is with Mayuo and Mikuo (Lenka's ex-boyfriend) is with no one....Wait, why am I caring about Mikuo??

6) Who the hell does Meito like too other than Rin?? The person he likes can look attractive enough to change his mind....If he does have one. -Of course, Meito is popular for being cool and handsome. He doesn't take in any interest of any girls but Rin. Just great.


For the glory of the satan, just WHY?

First, Meito likes Rin as much as I do

Second, he hates my guts and wants my soul to disappear..

...and third, my second chance of asking Rin out is just always being RUINED. I even tried to ask her for the fourth time and the third time, but NO.

Everyone is just so excited for the dance, that popular people like Rin are too busy because other people like to chit chat and block my way to her!! Hey, I'm not giving up now.

What? Lenka? Look, it doesn't matter about her for now. All I need to do is ask Rin out just for once!!

Actually, I have an idea! I could go to her locker and stick my message to her that I needed he to meet me at the top of the school and THEN I ask her out!

I'm a genius!!

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