Chapter 8

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Guess what? I finally managed to talk my Dad into getting myself and tuxedo because--who dances a popular girl only wearing a t-shirt and a pair of jeans??

The tuxedo was Sky blue and the bow was black, and the collar shirt was white with frills and the pants were sky blue as well, which made it look something like....Cool, innocent--wait, that sounds girly. But who cares? I love it!!

I can imagine me and Rin dancing meanwhile Meito just stood there looking like he wanted to....Gut me and I'm like....I don't know, just ignoring while we dance and at the end of the dance, we embrace for a kiss.....---

"Rinto-senpai, can I ask you something??"

I sighed and said. "What?? I'm trying to....Think here because of this maths question!!" That was a lie of course, but WHY did she have to interrupt rudely??

"I know, but can I at least say something??" Lenka asked.

Right then, I found Rin walking into the class talking to the teacher, which I immediately stood up at and went over before Rin left.

"Hey! Rin-chan!" I said.

Rin turned over to me, then smiled happily and said. "Ah, good afternoon Senpai!!"

"Good afternoon! Hey, I just wanted to ask you, that if you could meet me after school??" I asked. Even if you're busy, I want to at least ask you something after school and I've always wanted to ask you something."

Rin nodded and said. "Ok! I'm free after school! So who are you going to choose to be you dance partner at the school ball??" That made me grin and said. "It's a secret." She did those puppy eyes and said. "Please?? I want to know!"

"You'll find that later when we meet after school." I said poking her rosy cheeks.


I sat down at my desk without turning my back to add a bit of more coolness (as if I'm one of those people in the movie who don't look back at the explosion wearing sunglasses and holding a gun in one hand to add a bit more of coolness)


"What, what what?? Just say it." I muttered.

Lenka looked like she was about say something but was lost, but I got really impatient and sighed right at her face. "If you're not going to say anything, then at least just leave me alone ." I said. "I don't feel like anything really annoying like you.-- What is that a mark on your face??"

There was like....A fading hand mark and Lenka shrugged. There was even a cut around her neck.

That girl was silent for the rest of the day but I didn't care because it was more silent and she wasn't making fun of me or being a total stalker. And when school finally finished, I rushed all the way to the top of the school to see Rin already there. I guess she was excited to see who I was going to ask out.

"Hey Rin-chan!" I waved coming closer to her. "So you want to know who I was going to ask out?"

Rin nodded and said. "Yeah!"

I smiled and embraced myself, to not to stammer and said. "Well, she's standing right in front of me."

Rin was left silent and confused, but then I knew she finally got the hint when she turned bright red. "R-really??" She asked. I laughed at her said. "Yeah... I wanted to ask you, if you could be my date."

I grabbed both of her hands and said. "I was always in love with you. These days and times you and I spent alone were the most bestest moments in my life because you were dream. If my dream of you was taken away, then I would've been left in depression. I've always dreamt of you.....So, I like you more than just a date and more than a girlfriend!"

She was speechlessly shaking, until she smiled and jumped into my arms. "Yes!"

See? If you have a crush on someone who hangs with you a lot and cares about you, she'll be your girlfriend if you confess with her, in no time.

"Thanks a lot, Rin-chan!" I said hugging her tightly.

Then we both separated and smiled at each other, and soon, Rin went on her tiptoes and I was bending down until our lips touched. Her moist lips against my rough lips made this electric spark feeling go through me, which I liked that feeling.

We separated again and we both turned red, laughing. "That was my first kiss...." Rin whispered shyly. I laughed at her and said. "Are you sure? Because MY first kiss was already stolen by you, remember??"

"Yeah, I remember! I accidently slipped and ended up kissing you at the pool trip, so that was my second kiss from you again. I'm so happy to be dating with my crush!" Rin squeaked. "I also had a crush on you, that's why I liked to hang out with you so much. Even though you pretend to be cool, you're a cute boy who blushes a lot and cares so much about me....And who had never had a girlfriend and been single through the rest of their life....And someone who doesn't have so much lovers like Meito-senpai does....And, I like you too."

Then I took out the box out of my pocket and opened it to her, as her eyes glowed. "Hey, I....Want you to be my girlfriend. But if you can't, then it's okay because I can't force you to to say yes." I said to her shyly.

"No--I want be your girlfriend!" Rin said.

I bent down and slid the ring into her finger, grinning as she smiled. 

"I swear, we'll be the bestest couple on earth. We'll make the other couples feel bad!!"

Rin laughed as she hugged me again. "Yeah!"

Then she looked up at me and said. "You smell like oranges....I like it! I love oranges too! And your sweater is so warm~"

"Yeah I know, that's why I wore it so that you'd someday notice." I said ruffling her hair.

Rin blushed again and giggled. 

To be continued....

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