20 years later

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I wish I had more time.

After 20 years that's all I still thought about. Sure I missed home but I missed there even more.

As I drove through my new town the memories of everyone bounced around. No-face, I wondered how he was getting along with Zeneba. I wondered if the bathhouse was still running and all those inside of it. Most of all I thought of Haku, no, Kalaku that was his name. I needed to remember that. As I pulled up into my new driveway with my parents following me. I got out of the car and took a deep breath. The air smelled like a mixture of wood and water. .That was the only way to describe it. As I took in the two level flat I felt my mom's arm around my shoulder. "You ready Chihiro?" She asked and all I could do was nod. I walked up to the door, took a deep breath,put the key in the lock and turned it. The movers had already been in so everything was in its place. I turned around and waved at my parents. They waved back and yelled "Bye dear and good luck." I smiled back and shut the door. I looked around with tears in my eyes, this was it I was finally alone. I went through the house and into the back yard with tears running down my face. I was alone, no boyfriend, no friends,and I was hours away from my parents. I kept walking, and walking and walking until I stepped in water. I dried my eyes and looked back and saw my house a while away. I looked in front of me and saw a small river, not to big but not to small. My eyes started to water as I stared at the blue water. 'No I need to let it go' I thought  to myself. I looked out at the water and smiled to myself as Kalaku's face came to my thoughts. "Kalaku," I whispered to myself "that will be your name" still smiling I started walking back towards my new home. I gasped when I heard a roar. I turned just in time to be hit with a huge wave. I spluttered and gasped as I looked around wondering what caused the wave. I heard another roar and looked to see a dragon circling above me. Suddenly memories of being chased by paper birds and a green and white dragon plagued my brain. As I stared I heard the sound of shattering glass. I watched as a tall young man with green hair and sparkling green eyes landed gently on the grass. We stared at each other for a long time when he finally broke the silence. "Chihiro, is that you?" He said in a tenor voice. My eyes filled with tears, "Kalaku! You remember me." I ran and tackled him in a hug. He seemed surprised at first but he hugged me back, clinging as tightly as I was. We pulled apart and watched each other, I broke the silence this time. "You remember me." Was all I said. He smiled at me "of course I remember" and I
Couldn't help but smile at the thought of my guardian dragon and as we leaned in for a kiss I thought 'I'm not alone any longer.'


20 years later ( spirited away one shot )Where stories live. Discover now