Chapter seven

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>>>>>>>7:00 am Friday<<<<<<<

Mary's POV

When I woke up I realized, the awaited day of my life. INTRAMS!! Me my bro and little sis shouted outside our rooms. "Can't wait for the games!?" My sis shouted. "Yeah, and the chant" Chriss said.

"Omg, the chant! Hope we will win. GRADE 6 DRAGONS RULE!!" Me and Chriss shouted and high fives. "No no. GRADE 2 RANGERS RULE" lei said.

"We have our own teams and we should all play fair" I said looking at Chriss. "Wha-? I play fair FYI" he said. Me and lei just rolled our eyes. Just then our mother called that breakfast was ready. The fresh scent of pancakes reached upstairs, which made me hungry. I then hurriedly went downstairs to eat my breakfast.

After that, I went to my room to take a bath. After I chose a red plain shirt, pants and blue vans with stars on it. I get my bag and fill it with my things needed for the Intrams later. "For the first time Mary, you finished early" My brother said in my door. "What's the problem of being early?" I said. I check the time in my watch.

9:15 am. Still early, he was right but what to do?

Aha! I'll call Angel and tell her something. I get my IPear phone. I was about to call when someone interrupted me. "New phone?" Chriss asked . "Yeah, got it from the show Sam and Cat" I said. "Ok. Wait you got that from a TV series?" He said. "I just touched the TV screen and BOOM, the phone is n my hand. Mom and dad knows. "That. Is. AWESOME!!?" He then fist pumped me.

Ok that was weird of him. Anyways, I continue to call Angel. Telling her what will happen today.


M:Hi angel! Morning

A:Morning Mary. Why call so early?

M:It's 9:25 am and you call that early?

A:Yes I do. I was having a nice dream and you ruined it.

M:Good because it's time to wake up already Ms. Sleepyhead

A:I am not a sleepyhead!

M:Hehehe yeah, deny much. Anyways I called you with a reason.....

A:Ok go on

M:Well Chriss later will do something hilarious, I plan to video it secretly with you. Don't tell anyone about it. Just don't.

A:Ok. Post in on Instagram?

M- insta will do. Also I will post it on Tumblr and Pinterest

A:Someday Mary, you will regret what you will be doing.

M:Nope and never will.

A:Hehehe. Ok gotta go now since mom wants me to eat breakfast.

M:Ok Ms. Sleepy head!


End call

So much for a friend, I checked the time and it already 10:00am. Well gotta go to school already. I got a sister to treat. I get to call my siblings. "Hey there peeps, time to go!". "Ok we're coming" Chriss said.

I went downstairs with Chriss and Lei and bid our goodbyes to our parents. We decided not to take the school bus so we skated, In ordinary skateboards. We did flips and people passing us just stood with awe. Always gets us. After that, we decided to walk. "Ate we still need to go to 7 eleven" Lei said. Gods, I forgot her treat. "Ok we will be going there" I said.

An ordinary girlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora