chapter 3

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Jamie opened her eyes slowly, her head was throbbing. She realized that the ceiling she was looking at, was unlike the one of the motel room that she had been staying at for the past month while her mom had been in the hospital. The rest of the room came into view as her head cleared up a bit. The walls were a dark blue, vinyl record sleeves on the walls, adding character to the room. There were many posters and on the third wall hung two acoustic guitars. There were two windows on the second wall with light colored curtains hiding them, light was still able to fill the room. She finally got out of the bed and looked around the room, she found many things but was only interested in the tshirt that was hanging on the back of the closet door. She put slipped the tshirt over her head and took one for the blankets off of the bed, wrapping it around her body, for warmth and safety. She decided it was time to leave the lovely room she was in and explore where she was and to find her clothes. She opened the door and found herself in a small hallway, there was a door across the hallway which she contemplated knocking on, but then realized there was a flight of stairs. She made her way down the stairs and remembered the room vaguely from the night before.
Her vision was blurry and she could barely feel the arms that were carrying her, she caught glimpses of the room and could hear voices talking, "let her have my room, I'll sleep on the couch," she wasn't threatened by the voice, it sounded familiar.
Jamie came back to where she stood at the bottom of the staircase, taking in the view of what seemed to be the living room. She noticed a body on the couch and carefully walked over to it, the end of her blanket dragging on the ground behind her. She leaned over the body quietly, the Ruffles head of curls sent her right back to the diner, it was Matty. She remembered sitting at the bar with him and George and Adam and Ross, she remembered talking about the last couple of months of her life and what a loser she was. Jamie shook her head and sat on the floor, embarrassed, "oh god" she sighed, but laughed to herself a little bit.
"Are you remembering it all?" the boy spoke.
"Unfortunately." she said, but was still a little spooked, not knowing that he had been awake. His body slowly shifted until he was on his side facing her. "do you know where my clothes are?" she asked randomly.
"Why are you in such a rush? you know I lent you my home and now you just want to leave? how rude." he chuckled. It was weird for him though, he had never been used to a girl being so eager to leave him, but he hadn't slept with her, and he thought maybe that was why.
"Not necessarily in a rush, but your home is rather chilly and i feel a bit exposed." She said admittedly.
"They are in the dryer." he said rolling to lay on his back, "I don't know if we ever started the drying, but I have sweats you can wear if you'd like."
"I'd prefer to just wear my damp clothes and then go home," she said looking at him.
"well actually, according to what you told me last night, you don't have a home." he was right. Jamie looked down at her hands which were in her lap, he was right.
"I have a friend who said she'd take me in." she said fidgeting with the tassels on the blanket.
"Margo was her name right?" Matty asked her, cocking his head to look at her.
"yeah" she said quietly, beginning to wonder how much she had told those boys last night.
"Well," Matty said as he sat up, beginning to get off the couch, "let me go get your clothes for you then." When Matty got off the couch, Jamie couldn't help but chuckle because all that he was wearing was his boxers. She watched as he walked down the hall, he had a very nice physique, he wasn't built like he worked out, he had more of an elegance to him, but still had beautifully toned muscles that you could only notice when he moved certain ways. She smiled to herself and shortly he returned to the living room, he was dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans and he bent down, handing her belongings to her. She looked at the pile of folded clothes had had handed her and panicked for a moment, "do you know where my phone is?" she asked.
"I do not." he replied as he sat back on the couch, "actually, we may or may not have accidentally left in the taxi, we were overwhelmed with trying to get you out of it, we also forgot a few things of our own." Jamie groaned, everything was on her phone, but then she realized, everything was on her phone, she was free to begin her life anew. She stood up, and looked around, "where's your bathroom?" she asked quietly.
"Last door on the left." he pointed down the hall for her. She nodded and went to the bathroom where she changed into her clothes that apparently had been dried in the dryer. She smiled to herself in the mirror, She Pulled her long hair into one braid going down her back. When she came out of the bathroom, there was no one in the living ro, she heard some noises coming from what she assumed was the kitchen.
"Hey, I just want to thank you guys for last night, I had fun, I don't wanna know how my night would have gone had I not met you in the diner." She said as she walked into the kitchen, seeing that Matty wasn't the only one in the kitchen, but George was there also. They both stopped what they were doing and looked at her.
"you heading out?" George asked.
"yeah I think so, thank you so much you guys." she said smiling at both of them.
"the pleasure was ours" Matty smiled. Then had a realization and walked over towards her and looked in the bowl that she stood by, "here's 20 for cab fare" he said pulling it out of the bowl and handing it to her, "we may have left your purse in the cab too" he chuckled. Jamie shook her head and took it from him, saying goodbye to each of them once more before heading out the door. When the cold air hit her skin, the hairs on her arms stood up and a chill went through her body, she did not hesitate to find a cab. Once one finally pulled over she got in and told them the address of Margo's house, it was a 15 minute drive.

this was an awful chapter and I apologize, but it was only a filler.

keep enjoying, friends💕

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