Chapter 3: Blue & White Polka Dots Curtains and Glass Doors of Regret.

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Once Susan and I began talking, and I over-came the awkward stage, we couldn't stop. She made a marvellous dinner and then her all time famous biscuits topped with Nutella dessert. She used to always make these when we were kids.

It was midnight by the time we finished chatting and decided to get ready to sleep. After all, I did just arrive and was pretty wrecked by the journey. We went upstairs with my bag and Susan got the guest room ready. It happened to be my old room, before I moved, just painted and redecorated, but still felt the same. The curtains were blue with white polka dots that matched the navy bed cover.
"Hey... Nat..." Susan stood in the doorway to my room.
"Yeah" I said.
"I was wondering..." She trailed off and walked into the room.
I motioned her to sit on the bed with me.
"I was wondering, why you came back?" She waited for me to answer but I couldn't find my words. "It's been so long and you didn't write or call or text or anything and now you show up on my door step just like that!" She suddenly stopped and stared at me. "I... I didn't mean to-

"No it's fine, fine... You're right." I said and got up. "I should have called, or at least texted you. But after... You know... I was really torn and just needed time..." I tried to explain.

"Time?" Susan asked and raised an eyebrow. "10 years, it's been 10 years." She said and stood up. "I think you had plenty of time,"

"Susan..." I rolled my eyes
"No! Don't... Don't..." She held out her hand as if to stop me.
We stood there in silence and then Susan went to the door.
"Goodnight Natalie." And she left with a bang from the door.

The next day we kept quiet. I didn't say much and neither did she. Until the phone call. Susan's phone rang and she talked and finally agreed to a proposal of a party. Apparently the news of me being back in town spread rapidly over the villagers.
"Mia called..." Susan began. "She asked if you are actually home and if you want to come to a party she's throwing for your return." She said monotonously.
I opened my mouth to say something but before any words came out Susan interrupted.
"You should go. I mean we should go. It's been ages and I think we should hang out together and heal up our relationship." She looked at me with a decided face.
I didn't know how to respond since she said it so quickly but when I shook myself I to consciousness I just knodded and said yeah.
"So it's decided then," she said, "it's on today at 7. If you don't have clothes I can give yo--"
"No it's fine!" I interrupted. "I got something in the bag,"
"Okay... well I need to go to work, but I'll be back before 6." She said.
"Yeah... I'll take a walk down town." I told her and looked away.
"You know he's married now?" Susan asked me with a smile.
"No, but that doesn't matter anymore, there's no feelings," I stated.
"Yeah right... Anyway just if you were wondering, he's married with a kid on the way, you won't believe who he got married to! Mrs.Sanders daughter!"
"Lilly?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.
"Yup, Lilly Sanders, or should I say Lilly Newrange." Susan teased
"I, Don't, Care." I stated firmly
"Of course you don't, it was only yesterday I saw you looking at our photo together from high school, dream-eyed." She teased.
"Well yeah I didn't see you two in ten freaking years okay! I have the right to be 'dream-eyed' at old photos" I explained.
"Excuses, excuses..." Susan stood there cross armed. "Anyway I gotta run, there's spare house keys on the fridge, stay safe!" She cheered as she walked out of the house.
"Hell I will... " I muttered.
After finishing my tea I decided it was time to visit Felix.
Felix Newrange, the high school crush of every girl, with a lucky one who got to date him, me.
4 months and 23 days exactly, and then I caught him cheating with some bitch from Cardiff, who was apparently 'visiting her granny' and 'accidentally' landed in his bed.
Heartbroken as I was I still loved him, ugh teenage years are awful. After I caught him he tried to explain himself and bought me presents and flowers and tried to be Romeo and sing serenades... At the time I thought it was adorable and that I will get back with him but then the thing happened and I needed to breath new air.
That was the last I saw or heard of Felix.
             *                *              *
Slightly nervous I walked up to his house, a little bungalow that his parents lived in before they died. I knocked on the Door. In the corner of my eye I noticed movement and a figure could be seen through the glass door. I froze. Maybe I shouldn't have come here? Anyway it was too late to retreat now. The door swong open and an elderly man with a walking cane stood in the doorway.
Silence filled the atmosphere as I stood there wondering what's going on.
"Mr.Newrange?" I ask shyly.
"Newrange? Oh no Mr and Mrs Newrange moved over to Tolmine Street." He answered annoyed.
"Thank you sir. And sorry for the disturbance."
And with that I walked away quickly.

"Susan forgot to mention that then..."

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