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In which all of us empire watchers come together to fangirl/rant about the upcoming episodes of the fox hit tv series.


i.This episode talk will start in season two so you will need to be caught up to understand.

ii. You will need to follow the rules and guidelines provided to stop any form of chaos.
iii. This book filled with spoilers so if you have not seen the latest episode and would not like spoilers it would probably be best if you didn't go any further


i. this is episode talk so of course we are all entitled to an opinion, not everyone thinks the same thing. In a situation like this there will be no hate or rude bashing tolerated.

ii. Please try and keep up with the episodes and the chapters posted for the sake of others.

iii. do enjoy this community and have a good time.

Chapters will be posted the day before the episode airs, which is every Wednesday so expect a chapter sometime on Tuesday

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