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I wake up to the sounds of obnoxious road construction coming from the outside  window. I groan and roll over onto my stomach. I open my eyes because I was already awake.

I turn my head to the white wall with a hole filled in with some foam in the corner of my room. My parents told me that the people before that lived here had a kid that was a drug dealer and he hid drugs in the walls for some shit like that. (true story)

I've always had the fear that he would come back looking for the rest of his drugs and hurt someone. But I have lived here 3 years so I doubt he'll come back now. I stop thinking about it.

I inch my feet towards the side of the bed. I sit up, feet hanging off the bed. I slowly let my warm feet touch the cold hard wood floors, sending a chill through my whole body. I walk over to my bathroom, rolling my eyes at the sight of the shower.

I swing the door behind me. I crouch down and grab 2 towels from the cupboard. I set the two towels on the toilet and walk to my room to grab my phone. I grab my phone off my bedside table, disconnecting it from the charger.


I decided I would call Rudan the mysterious boy who gave me his number before, because he didn't look like a rapist so maybe I would get raped. I dialed the numbers, putting the phone to my ear.

"Hello" I hear a familiar voice

"Hey, it's Ella" I say into the phone

"Oh, hey Ella" he says obviously smiling

"So, are you a poetry writer or something because that poem was deep" I say smiling

"Oh, no I'm not but did you like it" he says laughing

"Very much so" I say smiling

"So, not trying to sounds creepy but do you maybe want to go to lunch with me or something" he asks

"That sounds great" I reply smiling at myself

"How about today at 12:30" he asks

"Sounds perfect" I reply

"Ok see you then? Oh and I'll pick you up at your house" He says

"See you then" I say

-end of call-

After that I saved his contact as "Rudddan ✌🏼️" .  Because it was only 9:30 I decided I would do something productive today before Rudan came to pick me up.

I walked to my dresser grabbing A black crop top that showed of a little stomach but not a lot, some maroon skinny jeans and i just threw a tan cardigan over it to finish it off.

I jog down my stairs, grabbing a apple out of the fruit bowl and biting into it. When I was finish I attempted to throw into the garbage can but missed completely. I walk over and pick it up, and I throw it away

When I hear the front door open, I shoot my head up.

"MACY" I scream

I run over to my sister and mom standing in the doorway. I embrace here into a tight hug, smiling into her shoulder.


she says dropping her suitcase to hug me back. Our hug lasted about 2 minutes before my mom says something

"Girls one of you are going to suffocate if you keep it up"

Rainbow ➵ Rudan C.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora