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Another busy day at the Shinigami Dispatch Society. Counting the numbers of deaths and the numbers of the souls, hoping if they match.

It was the end of the month, and everyone was terribly busy working. Alan Humphries had been typing at his typewriter, his eyes scanning the paper carefully. Everything had to be just right, no mistakes could be made.

He was seemingly content... Until he spotted something odd on the paper.

Right there in black bold font was something that shouldn't be there. Ever. But it was, and it was something that he'd never seen before.

Aerial Sky, age 16.

Aerial Sky... It was unique. Different. But their age was never shown on the records. He somehow missed it when he was aimlessly typing.

Alan stood from his desk, snatching the white material and inspecting it further. What did it mean?

"William... What is this?" He spoke, a little confused.

Eyes narrowing, William walked to Alan and scanned the paper.

His face turned to a frown.

He handed the paper back to Alan, pushing his glasses closer to his face. "Is this some kind of joke? Where did this come from?"

Alan shook his head, frowning. Joke? "No... That's what was delivered to us."

William paused, knowing Alan wouldn't lie. He was the nicest member of the Dispatch. "I need you to go to the human realm. Keep an eye on this person..."

"Is something wrong?" Alan asked, needed answers. What did this mean?

"It's critical that you watch this person. Make sure nothing happens." William said stiffly, then turned and went to his office.

I wonder what that was about... Alan mused to himself, then approached his friend in a nearby desk.

Eric Slingby looked up, and half smiled. "What is it now, Alan?" He didn't know what to think about half of Alan's crazy adventures he liked to have.

"It's time to investigate, Eric-senpai." Alan smiled.

Eric nodded, grabbing his death scythe and waited for Alan to lead the way.

Alan knew Eric would follow him whenever, not bothering to ask questions. But he would need some answers eventually. Which was answers he didn't have.

Hopefully this Aerial Sky wouldn't be in danger.


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