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Chapter 3
It was already late at night, you were lying on the bed reading a book.

Hearing the clock ticking while you read bothered you since your stupid werewolf hearing sucked sometimes.

You let out a groan as you set your bookmark in place and set it down next to a small table.

Walking out the room you headed downstairs into the living room to see everyone watching a scary movie.

Also the house was all dark to make it scarier.

You smirked and walked quickly behind them, sneaking up you let out a high pitched scream.

They all jumped and faced you with glared, others shocked and some ran upstairs.

You laughed so hard, "oh my god you should of seen your faces!!" You said between laughs.

James growled at you, "that wasn't funny I almost had a heart attack!!" He shouts.

You glared back, "well sorry I just wanted to have fun was bored." You sighed out.

"Besides where's void?" You asked.

"He's outside.." He replied back before they all returned back to there movie.

You smiled and thanked him before walking the the back and saw him sitting there staring at the moon.

You walked over and sits next to him, "hey.."

He smiled at you and kissed your cheek, "hey..." He whispered as he held you close.

You let out a soft sigh.

Should I tell him? No he'll just get angry...

You smiled, "hey can I tell you something?"

"Anything.." He replied.

You gulped down a bit, "would you get mad if someone else joined the pack?"

"Like another werewolf?" He asked raising a brow.

"Well more like a little person, one that can't walk, Can't talk, only makes babbling sounds, cries, and sleeps....?" You explained in a soft whisper.

He was quiet for awhile, "a little person?" He asked. You nodded back.

"Well, everything sounds annoying..." You frowned and looked down. "Oh..?"

"But I don't know, have to see them first to see." He replied as he faced you.

You nodded softly, "yeah...wait..." You whispered.

For 6 months...

You actually thought, placing a hand on your stomach you stood up from your spot. "I'll be in our room."

You said as you left back inside as you passed the living room and headed up the stairs.

Did he really mean that? Having a baby could be a annoying? Or maybe he thought of it as something else?

You shook your head as you got to the room and lied down hugging your pillow.

Maybe it would be better if I abort this baby.


Then that means I'm killing out child! I can't do that, I really want this baby. But I'm afraid what void would think if he found out.

Letting out a frustrated groan you stared at the ceiling, maybe the baby can be born but I can-

Your eyes widen, "no that's a horrible idea!!" You whisper shout.

"Or not?" You whispered raising a brow and smirked. "Wait maybe it can work!"

Standing up you looked through your closet and found a box, opening it up you looked through some books.

Opening one book you took out a slip of paper with Scott's number on it.

Your smile soon turned into a frown.

What if it doesn't work?

Sitting back against the bed, "I don't know anymore..." You covered up face with your hands and cried softly.

You didn't know what to do to this baby anymore.

Hearing the door open, quickly you put the stuff away in the closet and sniffed as you cleaned your eyes and cheeks.

"Everything alright?" Void asked as you stayed sitting on the floor.

Clearing your throat you turned to look at him with a smile, "yeah, yeah, just thinking.." You responded.

He nodded and sits on the bed, standing up you walked over to him and lied down.

He starred at you for a while, "your lying..." He mumbled.


"Why were you crying?" He asked.

"I was not cr-" he cuts you off by placing a hand on your cheek, he pulled his hand away. "Your cheek is wet."

"That's because I washed my face! I was eating something and it got all over my face.." You lied but hoped he believed you.

"What did you eat?" He asked.


"A peanut butter sandwich." You answered.

"You don't eat that. And we don't buy that stuff." He replied as he stared at you angrily.

You looked down, "fine..." You whispered.

"Yes I was crying."


"Because I'm afraid,"

"Afraid of what?" He asked as he pulled you close to him.

"Afraid..." You thought for awhile. "Afraid that they'll find us.." You finally said coming up with an idea.

"Hey, y/n they aren't going to find us." He said kissing you softly.

"I won't let that happen." He whispered as he held you close.

"Okay..." You replied as you sighed in relief under your breath making sure he didn't hear you.

Soon a sound of screaming was heard downstairs, "we should really stop getting them scary movies.." You mumbled.

He smirked and lied you back, "but the good thing is that we are alone." He said kissing your neck.

You blushed and giggled, "nope! Not today big guy." You said placing a hand on his chest.

"Why not?"

"Because, I am really tired and tomorrow I have to help the others control themselves. Full moon is coming up soon." You said lying back.

He pouts and lied down next to you, facing your back to him. He wrapped an arm around you.

You gasped as you felt his hand get close to your stomach before you turned around quickly facing him.

He smiled and kissed your cheek, "get some rest..." He whispered to you.

You closed your eyes and tried to sleep, but the only thing in mind was the baby.

Maybe when it's born...I'll leave to Scott's and tell him to take care of it. Even if it means getting myself in danger.


Hey guys!!
New chapter YAYA!! I'm so happy😃

Anyway! Going to get more interesting sooner!!

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