Ruler Of The Underworld

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Christain: I don't know why this fool thinks he can just bring random guys into the house. They can be murders or worse serial killers. I CAN BE THEIR NEXT VICTIM. I CAN'T DIE A VIRGIN I CAN'T. I'M TOO YOUNG TO D-

Cheyenne: Girl if you don't shut up with your crazy self up. They aren't serial killers. Matt isn't stupid enough to bring home serial killers. But he is stupid enough to not notice I have a crush on him. Why can't he just realize already it's been 3 years. I just wan-

Kadian: *laughs* Y'all crazy ass hell. Boys ain't never this big of a deal. Ain't no boy on this earth cute enough for you to be stressing like this Cheyenne. Christain... you just on some drugs. Slip me some before I leave. *laughs while turning to go the kitchen*

Matt:*opening door* Dude that's what I was saying! Like she was way too drunk. She was twerking as bad as Miley Cyrus. *carrying 2 small bags*

Boy 1: *carrying 1 suitcases and a small bag* Well she was obviously into you. *sits bags down*

Boy 2: *carrying 2 suitcases and a bigger bag* No one wanted to date her. No one likes sloppy drunks. *sits bags down and shuts door*

Christain: *laughs* Matt was close to getting booty!

Cheyenne: *looks at Christain*

Christain: *whispers* Sorry boo.

Boy 2: *moves closer to Christain* And who are you Missy? *smirks*

Matt: *pulls him back by his shirt* Nash that's my sister. Back the fuck off or you'll be homeless.

Nash: *laughs* Sorry man. Didn't know she was your sister. You guys look nothing a like.

Christain: Yes I'm black. Yes he's white. We're step siblings but we're close. *smiles and kicks Matt in the balls and runs into the kitchen* Come on girls!

Matt:*falls down and groans* Little girl.

Boy 1: You guys are close. *laughs*


Jack: *laughs and helps Matt up*Come on and show us our rooms.

- Matt goes and take Jack and Nash up to the guest room. Jack gets the guest room two doors down from Christain. Matt not trusting Nash one bit gave him the room right across from him. Jack, Nash, and Matt begin to unpack. Cheyenne, Christain and Kadian are in the kitchen arguing about what they want to eat. -

Cheyenne: I said Chiptole three hours ago! *shouting a Kadian*

Christain:*jumps and sit on the counter* Cheyenne we just had Chiptole on Friday.

Kadian: My point exactly. *laughs* How about Burger King?

Cheyenne: That was just yesterday. Today is a new day. And ewww no I got food poison from there last time.

Christain: You get food poison from everywhere besides Chiptole.

Kadian: Christain can you just cook something instead? None of us feels like driving anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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