Chapter 1 The Attack

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Hi my name is Bethany Martin i'm 17 years old i'm in my last year of high school then collage but what i didn't expect to find was my mate i all ways heard stories about werewolf's that they have only one mate one person to be there other half what i didn't expect that i was someones mate let alone that werewolf's are actually real so my world is gonna get a bit crazy from now on so get ready cause this is my story in how i was mated to one of the strongest Alpha in the world.


I wake with someone jumping on top of me when i open my eyes its my best friend Kevin.

Wake up lazybones.says Kevin

No go away.i say

Oh no you don't its our first day of senior year so get your but out of bed.says Kevin while he pulls the covers off of me

I sit up to find a every smiling Kevin i give him the sink eye and i head into the bathroom when i finish i leave the bathroom Kevin is sitting on my bed reading one of my many books.

I hate you.its all i say while i look for my clothe

You love me.reply's Kevin

When i finish getting ready i decide on a white dress and my black boots we head downstairs to get some food ,yes i love food,i grab some juice from the fridge while Kevin gets some bread and jelly,we make our selfs some breakfast and eat up.then we head out the door we get into Kevin's car and we our off to school,Kevin is always been there for me since middle school we've been really close ever since and i love him his my best friend the one person who knows all my secrets and i know his,He haves black hair and bright brown eyes and he's really tall like a giant well not that much but for me being 5'4 then yes he's like a giant.When we make it to school most of the students our outside like always we get out of the car and we walk toward the entrance of the school.

Hi Beth.

Nice dress.

you look hot Beth like always.

As we walk thats all i hear from girls and guys they are always like this and its kinda annoying i really don't like all the popularity but it was giving to me for some reason which i kinda don't undestand i'm glad i have Kevin cause he's not popular and i love that about him he makes me a better me well i think so.We make it to the class room and we both sit

Hii Kevin,Beth,i hear some girl say i turn around an its Terry the most popular girl other then me she is like huh the worst she is all way trying to do everything better then me and she is all ways flirting with Kevin like she can take him from me as if.

Hey.i say without even looking at her

So are you going to the party tonight?she ask Kevin

What party?he asks

No we are not.i say

I wasn't asking you.says terry so Kevin your coming right

Well only if Beth comes.he says while looking at me,he haves pleading eyes

Sure why not.i say

She smile and says great its at my house you know where it is right Kevin

Yeah i know thanks.says Kevin

Okay well see you later.she says and sits down

You are aware that i'm not really going right.say to Kevin


Do you not see how she really is.i say

No i think she is nice.says Kevin

I rest my case.i say

What?says Kevin

Nothing the class is about to start we will talk later okay.i say

Okay.says Kevin

The rest of the day was the same as everyday class and more class.when Kevin drove me home i felt like someone was watching me and i couldn't shake the feeling Kevin had convince me to go to the stupid party tonight don't now how!I get upstairs and look for something to wear to the party i decide on black jeans,white blouse and my leather jacket and last my boots i put my hair into a messy side braid a little makeup and i'm out the door i wait for Kevin in my front porch ten minutes later he arrives i get into the Car and we drive toward Terry's house when we get there theres couples outside making out like nobody is watching its kinda nasty and disturbing we enter the party and the music is super loud theres people dancing all over the dance floor Terry comes toward us and grabs Kevin and take him to the dance floor the DJ is plying How deep is your love by Calvin harris i love that song and i'm left standing all by myself one of the guys from the football team comes over to me and asks me to dance i think he's name is Ryan and i accept we make our way toward the dance floor he grabs my hips and we start moving in perfect sink i can see Kevin looking at us and i turn around to face Ryan i pull him closer to me and i can feel his hardness so i try to pull away but his grip is to tight.

Ryan can you let go.i say all he says

So i keep dancing with him then i see terry and Kevin she is really close to him for my comfort then she kisses him i stop in my tracks and he is actually kissing her back when they pull apart he looks at me and i just start running out the door.

Beth wait.i hear Kevin scream over the loud music but i don't stop how could he do this he knows she is like my enemy he knows i hate her guts she first stole my boyfriend and know my best friend just great!!I keep running until i notice i have no idea where i'am i look around and i'm in the woods and its really dark i take out my phone i turn on the flash but i still can't see good enough i start to make my way back but i don't know where i'm going.Then i hear a sudden noise behind me i turn around in a hurry but i cant see anything.

Kevin its that you.i say but no response

Then i see two bright glowing yellow eyes then i hear a growl so i start to run i can hear it behind me.Run Bethany Run i keep telling myself i pass trees and more trees i drop my phone but i just keep running i can hear it growling then i'm thrown to the ground it bites my leg and drags me ,all i do is scream Kevin!!!! it lets go and i start crawling but it bites me again it grabs my arm and now i can see what it is its a wolf as its eyes stare at me i know i'm gonna die i can feel the tears running down my face when the wolf is about to take the final blow it is thrown across from me theres an other wolf fighting it and it looks like its winning this one is bigger a lot bigger i try to stand but my legs are bleeding like crazy my arm also i lay back and i can see the stars they are so beautiful my eyes start getting heavy i can't stay awake the last thing i see before passing out its bright glowing Red eyes.


Hello i hope you enjoyed the first chapter.😋btw sorry if i misspell anything not a pro!!vote and comment if you like the story so far it would mean a lot thanks!!!✌

Thanks for reading📖

With Love Marymar💕

Btw I'm writing a new book its called My mysterious new mate its like a sequel to this book or a spin off the first chapter is up so go give a try after you finish this one if you want.

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