Chapter 17 Back at the pack house

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As we drive for what feels like days but really only a few hours i don't know what to think about the whole silver dog thing i mean i guess i have no choice but still i don't want to be this thing and the prophecy i don't even know the whole story i know that the Hybrid an the silver dog are meant to be each others other half but i don't buy that cause Dylan is my other half my mate and i'm not giving him up not for anyone and an other thing nobody knows who's the Hybrid like seriously how are we gonna find him if we don't even know who he is or what he looks like apparently only Alpha Jacob know's who he is cause Dylan told about him saying that the hybrid wanted me i hope we can figure this out cause sooner or later the hybrid will come out and try to take me and even kill someone close to me and i will not let that happened ever.

We are here.i hear Dylan say while shaking my arm

I open my eyes and we are in the pack house once again i smile at him and i get out of the car my legs need a walk as i walk up to the house Val comes out and hugs me.

Luna thank god your alright.she says while sucking the life out of me

Yeah but maybe i won't be if you don't let me go.i choke out

Oh sorry Werewolf strength.says Val

Its okay and call me beth please your my friend now.i say with a smile

Oh of course sorry Beth.says Val and hugs me once again but this time not so hard

Hey be careful you don't kill my mate.says Dylan from behind us

Sorry mister control freak.says Val while walking down to help everyone with there bags.Dylan just growls at her comment and i laugh

So Thats funny.says Dylan

Yup.i say,then all the sudden we hear a growl Dylan is in front of me in seconds we look to the person making the sound an its Kyle

MINE.he growls and walks up to Val she is paralyzed

Whats going on.says Danny coming out of the house

It looks like Val found her mate.says Dylan

I watch as Val stands speechless she isn't even moving.

Mate.says Kyle and takes a step closer to Val and she only moves backwards

Val you know better then to back away from your Mate his wolf will see it as a challenge.says Dylan

In this case i don't.says Val and runs the opposite direction of Kyle but he isn't letting her go he runs after her once he catches up to her he grabs her and trows her over his shoulder and starts walking our way.when he gets to the front porch he walks inside and up the stairs while Val screams and hits him I laugh at them after all the craziness we get the rest of the bags and go inside Danny shows my parents and Kevin where they will be staying while me and Dylan go up to his room i trow myself on his bed i'm so tired.He jumps on top of me and leans in and kisses me i missed this i kiss him back passionately like a need it which i do.

Dylan came you tell me about the prophecy.i say in between kisses

Sure.he says and gets off of me,i sit to listen to what he haves to say.

It is said that the Silver Dog and The Hybrid are meant to be each others half its said that the silver dog will become evil if the hybrid whats her to be if he does she will forever be his weapon his other half his Mate.Dylan says that last part with disgust

Put i will never to that and your my mate my other half not him.i say

I know.says Dylan

Okay then don't worry so much.i say

But in the prophecy it never said that the silver dog had a mate so maybe since you do it won't work.says Dylan with hope in his eyes

That makes sense its there any books about this prophecy?.i ask

Yes in the library but it will say the same thing i just told you.says Dylan

Maybe but what if you missed something.i say

Maybe.he says with a thinking face

Okay it is settled i will go to the library and you go do whatever Alpha's do.i say while walking out the room,i make my way downstairs toward the library on my way i found Kevin and he came with me.

So what exactly do you hope to find.says Kevin while looking at books

Don't know anything that can tell me about who the hybrid is or where to find him.i say

You want to find him why?says Kevin

To tell him to leave me alone i do not belong to him i have a mate.i say

Oh i see poor guy.says Kevin smiling


Nothing.says Kevin smiling even brighter

Idiot.i mumble

Slut.says Kevin


What i said nothing wrong.says Kevin with a huge grin

Shut up and help me.i say and i trow a book at him

Hey! that hurt.says Kevin

Read now.i say

Fine but i will get you for that.says Kevin

Yeah we will see.i says and i start to read the Prophecy again and again its the same thing Dylan told me and also what i heard mom dad and Kyle talk about that night.

This is hopeless.i say smash my face into the book i'm reading

Beth its gonna be alright we will find it.says Kevin

Thanks Kev i think i'm gonna call it a night i'm really tired from the drive.i say while getting up and closing the book

Yeah me two.says Kevin and we walk out off the library we go into the kitchen and make our selfs a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.When we finish Val walks into the kitchen she looks flustered.

I'l see you tomorrow goodnight.says Kevin and leaves

Val.i say

Beth omg i just let Kyle mark me.she says a little to fast


I know it just happened one minute we where making out and the next his teeth where in my neck.says Val while rubbing her face

Are you okay?i ask

Yes thats the point i feel like i can fly like i'm finally complete i feel whole.says Val with a huge smile

I'm so happy for you and Kyle.i says and i hug her

Thank you Beth.says Val

Anytime.i say and i head up stairs my body needs sleep i get into Dylan's room and he's not here maybe he will come back soon so i decide to shower when i come out he is still not here and its pretty late.


Yes Babe

Where are you?

In my office i will be right up.

okay hurry i don't want to sleep alone.i say but theres no respond so i get into bed turn off the light and close my eyes when all the sudden the door opens i sit up and its Dylan he smiles at me i love that smile.he
Walks up to the bed and lays down he puts his strong arm around my waist and kisses my neck i close my
Eyes and let sleep over take me.


Hello my Beautiful readers i hope your enjoying my story if you are vote and comment it will mean a lot.btw sorry if my spelling is not that great.
Ps the guy in the pic is Peter Beth's dad also Theo James he is bae!!!😋 😂
Thanks for reading📖

With Love Marymar🌙

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