Chapter 11 Funeral

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The next morning i wake and Dylan is already up he is no longer in bed i look around the room and the sun is shining through the windows and into the room i clim out of bed and head into the bathroom today is the funeral for Dylan's father and Alpha of this pack i don't think i will ever get used to this whole werewolf thing as i brush my teeth i notice a piece of paper on the mirror i grab it and it says.

Bethany theres a dress for you to wear to the funeral in the closet put it on and come down for breakfast

Love Dylan

I read the note and smile after a finish brushing my teeth a look for the dress its black with no sleeves its pretty i grab it and put it on top of the bed and i take a shower with warm water it feels refreshing when i'm done i put on the black dress i put my hair into a side bun and i head down stairs to find everybody working and running around the house and outside i guess they are preparing the funeral i walk into the kitchen and Dylan is sitting there talking with Val he looks at me and smile so i walk over to him i sit down and val gives me a plate with food and it smells and looks amazing.

Thank you.i say

Your welcome Luna.says Val

call me Beth please.i reply

She nods and smile and continues with her work she walks out of the kitchen and i'm left with Dylan.I dig into my food and i can feel Dylan eyes on me but i ignore him and enjoy my food he gives up and looks away.

So how are you holding up.i say

Good now that your here.he says and pulls me onto his lap and holds me close i put my head on his shoulder he always smells like peppermint.

Alpha sorry to interrupt but we need you.says Danny

Its alright.he says and stands up with me still in his arms.
What is it?he asks

Its your mother she would like to speak with you.says Danny

He nods and we walk out of the kitchen and up the stairs into his mothers room,he nocks on the door

Dylan put me down please.i say

Sorry.he says and puts me down and grabs my hand

Come in.says Dylan's mom from inside the room so we do Dylan open the door and we go in.

What is it Mother.says Dylan

Come sit down both off you.says Helen

So we do she doesn't say anything at first Helen just sits there and and stares out the window.

Mother what is it tell me.says Dylan

I decided that i'm leaving.says Helen

What why?

Beacuse i need time i just lost my mate and its killing me being around everybody everywhere i look i see him everything reminds me of him even you son and i don't want to put you trough losing both your parents so thats why i want to leave so i can forget.sats Helen

You want to forget father?

No but for now yes i'm in to much pain my wolf won't even respond to me i just need time please understand son you found your mate you know that if you lost her how would you feel.says Helen

I will be heartbroken i wouldn't want to live.says Dylan

Thats how i feel son its just for a few month thats all.says Helen

Alright mother i understand.says Dylan

Thank you son.she says while hugging him,i Love you son,I love you two says Dylan i can see tears in Helens eyes they stay like that for a while.

When are you gonna leave?says Dylan

Tonight after the funeral.she says and they brake apart

Alright i need to do some things for the funeral i'l see you later.says Dylan

Alright,Bethany.she says

Yes.i say

Please take care of my son and when i come back i want pups.she says and i turn ten shades of red

Mother please.says Dylan

What its the truth now go on i need time to pack and get ready.she say

I hug her once more and whisper in her ear don't worry i will take care of Dylan no matter what.Good she says,we walk out of her room and head downstairs

What did you say to mother?

That i will take care of you.i say and i give him a kiss on the cheek.

Few Hours Later

Its time for the Funeral we are all outside everybody is dressed in black,everybody haves a candle theres some flower here and there Dylan's Father is in the middle and everyone is all around him Dylan is standing next to me and his mother next to him he is crying and so is everyone else its sad that his gone it makes me mad i just meet him put i wanted to know him more like all the people here knew him Dylan squeezes my hand and starts to speak.

Hello everyone thank you for coming to my fathers Funeral and your Alpha My father was more then just a powerful alpha he also was kind and fun to be around with he always used to play pranks on the pack members he always got his way but when it came down to protect the pack he was always serious he never gave up on anybody he fought to the end until it was safe he was an amazing man father Alpha and Mate and he will never be forgotten he will live in our hearts for all eternity You will be missed Father.says Dylan and howls at the top of his lungs and everybody joins in the howl was sad mixed with love,compassion and lost.When the howl ends all the pack members puts white flower around his body and it looked like a garden it look so beautiful Dylan was the last to put a flower but his flower was on fire when he trow it the whole thing when up in flames as everybody watch Dylan howled once more but only Helen,Kyle,Danny and Bobby joined in his howl of pain.


Hello everyone i hope you enjoyed this chapter i wasn't gonna do a funeral scene but in the end i thought it will be useful for the story well i think so well any ways please vote and comment if you liking it.✌

Thanks for reading📖

With Love Marymar 🌙
Btw sorry if i misspell anything wrong not a pro!!

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