"tHeReS nO rAiNdRoPs On RoSeS aNd GiRlS oN wHiTe DrEsSeS iTs SlEePiNg WiTh rOaChEs aNd tAkInG bEsT gUeSsEs At ThE sHaDe Of tHe ShEeTs AnD bEfOreE aLl ThE sTaInS aNd A fEw MoRe Of YoUr LeAsT fAvOrItE tHiNgS" y/n yelled at a local Toys R us store like a badass motherfucker "Stop it you're scaring the children!" Mikey yelled at you. "I'll get you a unicor-" you were cut off by a loud "INSIDE WHAT A WONDERFUL CARICATURE OF INTIMACY"
for those of y'all who like panic! This was inspired by a (late) anniversary for a fever you can't sweat out ;)