Welcome back (Part 1)

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Lucy's POV.

A year isn't that long, but when you don't have anyone to spend it with, it's seems so long. The guild disbanded and we all went our separate ways. Natsu left without a goodbye, and I couldn't tell him what I wanted to. He left me alone, and he said he was going to protect me.

I started to tear up.

"No!" I said aloud, I will not cry about something like this. It's stupid, I can find a new love right?

I brushed my teeth and crawled into bed. bringing the blankets up to my neck I closed my eyes thinking about tomorrow. Something good is going to happen, I know it.


I woke up to the sun shining through my window. I stretched and ate some breakfast. Putting on my skirt and tank top I head to the Grand Magic Games arena. As I entered the door, there seemed to be a panic. I rushed to my stand and saw a Scrappy looking guy stand there.

"What's this magic ?" I asked.

His hood flew off and reveled a pinked hair man.

He kinda looks like...

"Natsu?" I said aloud.

He looked up at me and smiled.

"Luc-" I interrupted him with a hug.

He fell to the ground.

"Baka! You left me all alone! Everyone left, and I was alone. Natsu..." I cried.

"Everyone left?" Natsu asked.

I nodded, not letting go of him. "Baka, welcome back,"


I'll probably come back and edit this chapter. But it's been a while and I needed to update. So here is the next One-Shot! How'd you like it? Comment or vote which ever you like, thanks for reading and being patient!


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