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"Aren't these flowers pretty?" Lucy asked the pink haired mage.

"I guess." Natsu replied clearly not interested.

"I really like the daisy's."

"I wonder if there's a fish flower." happy said.

"There's no such thing as a fish flower." Lucy stated.

"Wait here." Natsu ran into a flower shop then came out with some daisies. "Here."

"What?" Lucy looked confused.

"You said you really like daisies so I bought some for you."

"Awwww, Natsu that's really sweet of you to do that!" Lucy took the flowers out of Natsu's hands. "Thank you."


This on is really short sorry about that, ill try and make the next one longer! How did you like this chapter? comment on what you think and vote if you liked it! please and thank you!!

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