Chapter 4

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A/N: Sorry about the length.

A week or so later, the adoption papers came through. We've signed them and sent them off again. We were informed that we'll receive a letter in the post in the next couple of days to say whether the adoption had been successful, which it should have been.

Right now, Skye's just at the park with Danny so I'm on my own, which I don't mind because it gives me chance to do some of the housework. Danny and Skye's clothes will take me a while to sort out with the amount they've got! They must have more than me, seriously! About half an hour later, my phone vibrated.

From Dan:

Just on way back now babe xxxx

To Dan:

OK, did Skye have a nice time? Xxxx

From Dan:

Yeah she's had an ace time xxxx

To Dan:

Aw good xxxx

From Dan:

What you been up to wifey? ;) xxxx

To Dan:

Sorting yours and Skye's clothes out! Less of the wifey mr! xxxx

From Dan:

Why? You will be wifey one day ;) xxxx

To Dan:

Not for another year or so! Anyway, hurry up 'wifey' needs a cuddle xxxx

From Dan:

Yes boss! xxxx

I laughed and locked my phone. I love him to bits, I really do but he's so bloody cheesy sometimes! I wouldn't be without him though, not for anyone. Danny and Skye are my life and I love them both to pieces. I've been thinking about me and Dan getting married. I mean, we have been dating for a year and a half nearly and who knows, I might have some news, eh?

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