Chapter 10

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I went back a few hours later and it's fair to say Danny wasn't happy with me. I'd only just got through the door when I got the third degree about where I'd been.

"All three of them are fed, bathed and in bed, thanks for asking!" He snapped at me.

"Oh shut up Danny, you're doing my head in!" I argued.

"Why don't you start...." He began to tell me before I interrupted him.

"Start acting like a Mother blah, blah. I've heard it all before" I interrupted him, as I walked upstairs.

"Why are you being such a selfish bitch?" He asked me.

"Excuse me?" I questioned him.

"We've got three beautiful children upstairs and you're going around acting like you couldn't care less!" He answered.

"Just leave it" I told him.

"Leave what?" He asked me.

"Just leave me alone!" I glared at him, as I went in the bedroom.

"T, what's wrong?" He asked me gently.

"Nothing, I'm a selfish bitch remember?" I replied as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry" He spoke to me.

"My friend Jack he died last night . That's what I found out this morning and that's why I've been in a funny mood all day" I cried.

"Oh T, I'm so sorry!" He replied, sitting down next to me.

I rested my head on Danny's shoulder and sat there crying for ages. Danny tried to comfort me by rubbing my back and kissing my forehead. I was crying for ages until I realised, I might be upset but it's nothing compared to what his family must feel like. I sat up and unwrapped Danny's arms from round me as I heard Imogen crying. I stood up to go to her and then Isabella started crying. 

"Dan, can you give me hand please?" I called to him.

"Yeah, I'm coming" He answered.

We lifted the twins out their swings where they slept, as they needed changing. We changed and fed them and put them back in the swings. We decided to sit on the sofa just talking for a bit.

"If you need to talk, you know where I am, yeah? You don't have to keep things bottled up you know" Danny told me.

"I know" I whispered.

"I know we argue and fall out but I wouldn't change you or our family" He smiled.

"Me neither" I spoke to him.

"Right, what do you fancy doing?" Danny questioned me.

"I can think of one or two things" I grinned, as my hands slid up his t-shirt.

"Oh really? Such as?" He asked me.

"This" I replied, as I began to kiss him slowly on the lips.

Danny lifted me up off the sofa and carried me back upstairs to bed. He put me down on the bed as he went to lock the door. You can probably guess where things ended up....

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