Chapter 1

400 8 7

Edited by csimiamifan89

Destiny POV

A big Miami sun was rising over the clear blue water that lapped against the shorelines, already giving way to that hazy look as the temperature started to climb to 80 degrees. I finished getting ready in my tiny, one bedroom apartment that overlooked the beach below me by scraping my unruly red hair back and ruffing it up with gel. Making sure I looked good I glanced down at my outfit. Jean shorts that were well short but not short enough that it would cause those annoying horny teenage boys to wolf whistle after me.  Anyway, those shorts were paired with one of my favorite t-shirts, it was blue and had a dragon on the front curling upwards towards the v-neckline; the only thing was, it was slightly see through. Hence the plain white tank top underneath. I smiled at myself in the mirror, then swiped my sunglasses off the dresser. I slipped them on over my bright, blue eyes, something my mother had once told me that I had inherited by my father. Even though I had no idea who he was, my mother pointed out our similar features quite often while I was growing up. I think a side of her missed him, even though she never told me why he was gone in the first place. I saw a photo of him once, the strange thing was he did look almost identical to me minus the female features of course. I grabbed my keys and left my apartment, locking up before I headed down to the lobby. I said hello to the same older couple like I always do then headed to the small café that was just around the corner from me. They served the best pancakes and milkshakes something my mother used to make me.

Thinking of her made me sad. Today was the 1 year anniversary of her passing and I planned on making a visit to her gravestone with a fresh bouquet of flowers just to say hello.

I scarfed down my breakfast to soothe my rumbling stomach, paid and thanked the waitress, then took a stroll through the sand on my way home. A cool breeze brought relief to the sweltering heat, but it wasn't enough to stop the fine sheet of sweat from developing on my skin. A few dogs played fetch with their owners, mother's played in the sand with their children and several bikini clad teenagers skipped out on school for the day to sunbath in the sun with their friends. I smiled to myself and shook my head, it was going to be one of those good days where nothing went wrong.  

A gunshot rang out. I jumped, my heart racing as I looked around. People were running away, screaming, mothers grabbing their children while other not so startled witnesses looked around in confusion. It brought back memories of when I was a police officer - horrible memories that often plagued my dreams at night and turned them into nightmares. I shook my head and focused on the chaos at hand, no time to dwell on the past anymore.

I may not be a patrol officer anymore but I'm still going to help, I thought, as I pin pointed where the shot came from I jogged towards it. Beach huts, perfect cover for a murder.

A man in dark ripped jeans, a black leather jacket and a black motorbike helmet hiding his face came out of the hut holding a gun, MRI Desert Eagle to be precise. I stopped dead in my tracks, hand reaching out of instinct for my side arm. As his head swiveled around, I froze. Well shit, I thought as he advanced towards me. I back pedaled rapidly, brain scrambling for any kind of training I could remember to help me gain some distance on this creep. Suddenly I tripped, landing face first in the sand. Coughing, I moved to get up when a hand was grabbing the back of my shirt and hauling me up off the ground. I struggled as he turned me around, the hand that held the gun raised high in the air. For a second, time seem to freeze as I recalled every waking detail of that horrible day that brought my career as a patrol officer to a screeching halt. Right before his gun smashed down on my head I caught sight of my terrified expression in the reflection on his helmet before everything went black.



I slowly came to, as the sound of a crackling radio and voices chattering in the distance reached my ears. A seagull shrieked high overhead and as my eyes opened a blue sky with a blinding ball of yellow in it caused pain to exploded behind my eyeballs. I groaned and turned my head to the side. A man in a white shirt was walking beside me. Confused, I squinted at the patch on his shoulder. Miami EMS. That meant........with a gasp I sat up abruptly, startling the young paramedic on my right. The other one however seemed unfazed by my sudden outburst for he put his hand on my shoulder.

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