Chapter 2

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Edited by csimiamifan89

Destiny POV

It's been a couple of hours since the shooting incident. I let the hot water ease the pounding in my skull and soothe the nervous feeling I had since I met Horatio. I was his only daughter, Mom was gone and my only real support system was myself. I really had no one else to talk to about this and wished there was someone who could advise me on what to do next. I sighed and cranked off the water, dried off and changed into a black baggy top and grey three quarter pants. It felt good to be clean again; I felt rejuvenated and ready to take on the rest of my day, even though my plans required me to do nothing except sit on the couch and watch TV.  Now I was just relaxing on my soft black leather couch reading one of my Doctor Who novels, TV on in the background, muted and nibbling on some honey soy chips.

I had barely made it through half a page in my book and was about to take another mouthful of chips when there was a knock at the door. I raised my head and frowned. I wasn't expecting anyone, I thought as I laid my book, open and the pages down next to me. I got up off the recliner, taking my bag of chips with me and heading to the door. 

I twisted the deadbolt back and removed the chain then swung open the door, a wide smile on my face. "Hey - Lieutenant Caine?"

"Destiny. I was um, I was wondering if I could have a minute of your time if that's okay."

I swallowed, suddenly becoming very aware of my appearance. "Uh, s-sure. C'mon in."

I took a few steps back and held the door open watching as he walked in. His eyes glanced over my apartment once before he said, "Nice place."

"Yeah it's not much but it certainly helps me feel more independent," I closed the door and crumpled the top of the chip bag down. "Please have a seat Lieutenant." 

I quickly swept past him and picked up my book, folding a corner of the page down and setting it aside, along with the back of chips. I switched off the TV and faced him with a smile, even though I was freaking out a little bit on the inside. "Would you like a drink? I have water, juice, soda?" I asked, taking on the role of a host. I went into my little kitchen that was open concept to the living room allowing me to still see Lieutenant Caine and get something to drink at the same time. "I unfortunately don't have any beer, not that I'm offering you any cause well I don't drink any myself and your on the job" I said quickly. 

"No thank you but thanks for the offer." He offered me a small smile. I smiled in return then grabbed myself a bottle of water then closed the fridge and sat to the right of him on the couch.

We were silent for a second, whether or not the two of us were trying to figure out what to say or mentally Googling the topic 'how to make small talk' I wasn't sure. All I knew was that I was sitting inches away from my father and he didn't even know it. What do I say though? I can't just blurt out 'hey I'm your daughter' and 'oh yeah by the way your one night stand died a year ago'. That's an excellent way to start building a relationship with someone. 

He reached over and picked up my book. "Doctor Who."

"Yeah, it's my favourite show. So is there a reason why you stopped by?" I winced at how rude that sounded so I tried a different tactic. "Is there anything new on the shooter?" I mentally kicked myself. Of course he can't answer that. Man, why is this so difficult?

"I can't comment on an ongoing investigation but I came here to tell you something." He looked at me intently, as he carefully set his sunglasses and cell phone on my coffee table.

"Okay? What is it that you want to tell me?"

"I'm your father."

The floor literally fell out from underneath me as I stared at him. He knows, how could he possibly know? Then it dawned on me. "My DNA. It was a familiar match to yours."

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