Chapter 3

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Edited By csimiamifan89

It's been 4 days since my dad asked me to join his CSI team. He had called me yesterday saying that I start Monday and I have to take my firearms test again. Today was Thursday so there was only 4 more days until I start my new job, I smiled as I drove. I was so unbelievably excited to get back in the work field it had led to many sleepless night of constant daydreaming and wondering if I was cut out for the job. But he seemed pretty sure I could do it, if he hadn't been he probably wouldn't have asked me.

I parked my car near the entrance of the gun range and climbed out. I walked confidently to the desk, and waited for the firearms examiner who will score me on my test. Not 2 minutes later he shows up holding a clipboard in his hands. He was a tall guy about 6ft, short black hair and a buff physique.

"You're Destiny right? You're here for your firearms test?" He asked me.

"Yes sir I am." I say with a smile. He talks to the guy behind the desk and grabs a SIG-Sauer P229 nine millimetre hand gun, the gun that my father uses.

We walked over to one of the many target ranges. He placed the gun on the little table in front and gave me the rundown on what he would be scoring me on. He handed me earmuffs and loaded the magazine until it was full then shoved it back into the gun and yanked on the slide which caused a bullet to get inserted into the chamber. He handed it over to me then pulled his own earmuffs over his ears and nodded. I took a deep breath and raised the gun, taking aim.

He pressed a button and the targets whipped around to face me. I drew back on the hammer and then squeezed my index finger on the trigger.

Bang after bang, the sound thudded through my earmuffs and bullets tore one single hole directly through the centre of the paper target.

Once finished I gave back the gun to the guy at the desk while the examiner was finalizing my overall mark.

"Well I must say you are very talented and you definitely know your way around a gun. Congrats, you got 100% and only one other person ever got that score." He smiled and turned to leave.

I stopped him. "Thank you sir. Um who was the other person?" I asked. He turned to face me and smiled. "Lt. Horatio Caine."

That afternoon I had a little celebration with myself, having a drink and playing some music while standing on the balcony, looking at the beautiful sunset. I raised my glass "Here's to passing my firearm test, to a new job and to a new life." I take a sip of my drink and rest my arms on the railing.

Then my phone started to ring.

I frowned and picked it up, pressing it to my ear. "Destiny speaking?"

"Hey sweetheart congrats on passing your firearms test. I heard you got 100%?"

"Hey dad thanks and yeah I did... like daughter like father I guess."

"Well just wanted to congratulate you and also that we got the guy from the shooting"

"That's great news dad good job. I'll see you on Monday"

"You will. Remember, 7 am sharp. Bye sweetheart"

"I'll be there. Bye Dad."

We both hung up, and I ducked back into my apartment, placing my phone back on the coffee table and flopping on the couch, being careful not to spill the last of my drink. I love you Dad, I thought as I rested my head on the back of the couch with my eyes closed. Then I got up, dumped the rest of my drink down the drain and had a nice warm shower. I was so tired, all the excitement must have taken it out of me. So I jumped into bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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