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My name is Cleo Black. I'm 22 and am a licensed carrier for the new world. About 15 years ago a disease was released amoungst the public traveling at light speed. The disease isn't what you're thinking. It wasn't a disease to bring the dead back to life. No not at all. However it needs a sick host to do its biding. The disease works as follows.

1. It attacks your immune system and you're brain. It lies dormant inside all of us. It rewires your way of thinking and changes you completely.

2. Its little things at first. The way you act the way you walk your appetite.

3. You get sick. Your mind starts changing you. You go absolutely insane. It makes you act out. Your one and only instinct is too kill. Not to feed your hunger. But to feed the desire to kill. You eat what you can find. If thats a person. So be it.

4.You become ungodly fast when it first takes over. It releases an unremarkable amount of adrenaline. It wears off after the first week but most uninfected die due to attacks.

5. You die. Either we put you out of your misery or you die naturally.

6. Feeding. Its the worst part. The disease makes your brain die. Then the only thing to do is feed.

I am among some of the highest rated carriers on the planet these days. I have racked up a total of 678 infected kills. This disease ruined my world. Ruined our world as a whole. Everything was already in the toilet to begin with. Then some genius Doctor decides to try and release an untested serum of a cure. A cure for the common cold. However it mutated in the process.

The first case was reported on July 29th, 2033 after the scientist went ghost. He had presented his serum to the congressman and the board several times, each time getting denied. After the 12th time they banned him and cut off all his resources and funding to his labs.  Rumor has it he built an underground lab and was still testing on people. The rumor was true. And once the first test subject had died it had become clear to the doctor that his serum had mutated. Test subject A.34 was shot down outside a playground in Austin Texas.

After that the world went fucking insane. Grocery stores and Hospitals were the first to go. People looting and ransacking for what they needed even killing others in the process. Madness took over. Some believe that's what he wanted all along. He still runs free to this day. Capturing stray civilians for his test. Some say hes doing it to progress the disease even further. Most thing hes finally realized hes bat shit crazy and needs to change his ways. He was successful in curing the common cold so he has one win under his belt. What do I think? Well hes my Dad. So my opinion may be flawed and biased to most but I believe my father knows what hes doing and for that I believe he needs to be taken care of. 

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