The Lost Ones

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"Cre! Lyssa hit me" wailed Frankie, while sliding down one of the trunks that supported their house. He hit the ground with a small thump, and sand was being kicked up everywhere when Frankie ran over to Cre, who was lounging on a big piece of drift wood, soaking up the sun.

"Hmm, and did you bite her?" Cre mumbled, not opening his yes.

Frankie turned red, bit his lip and looked down at his feet, which were trying to bury themselves into the sand.

"Well she started it-" Frankie started after a moment, but was cut off by the shrill shout of one Alyssa Killip.

"Frankie Granham, get your ass back here this instant!"

Frankie jumped nearly a mile, and Cre just cracked a smile and said:

"Go hide with Robin, he's more likely to hide you then I am"

Frankie quickly nodded before turning around and running a little ways along the sand before dashing into the trees. It was just in time to as Lyssa came storming out through the doorway of the lower floor of their house.

Their house was actually more like a tree house, with most of it built connecting with the trees except for the ground level. The other levels actually were more like separate rooms that just connected with each other with a ladder or a zip line, which caused for an interesting experience, and multiple crashes, but after a while people learnt to yell before zipping down it.

Of course over the years the house has gotten better as well. When weeks turned into months, rescue coming to get them was becoming less and less like a reality, so they started updating their little shelter. First just him, Robin, Mo, and Kayla, but then the littler ones starting helping to once they got over the fact that this was not a vacation.

Cre sighed and slowly opened his eyes, blinking quickly to adjust to the harsh light of the sun. He quickly got up just in time, as Lyssa stood in front of him, looking quite menacing, despite that she was 11.

"Where did he go?" she bit out between clenched teeth, and folding her arms, one of which was sporting quite a vicious looking bit mark.

"Robin" Cre said to her, before standing up and walking over to the ground floor. He slowly went inside, walked past their make shift furniture, and out through the back, where if you walked about 50 meters through the jungle, you came across a small river with a water fall that fell into a a sort of deep pond or lake type thing before carrying on as a river.

Cre carefully walking around the edge of the pond, and jumped a small gap to a small ledge that led behind the waterfall to a cave.

Cre ducked behind the curtain of water, getting soaked in the process, and stood in the centre of the entrance of the cave, still feeling the spatter of the waterfall behind him.

Cre walked forward, careful to not slip on the wet and rocky ground, and shook his hair, making droplets fly everywhere.

"Hey Mo, did ya find any treasure yet?" Cre called out into the darkness, to which a voice replied:

"Unless you count a rock in the shape of Marylin Monroe, then no."

"You kidding" Cre smirked as he turned a corner and saw Mo leaning against the cave walls, holding a rock.

"Nope, I'm not, see?" Mo smiled and lifted up the rock, which just looked like a blob of well, rock.

"Eh, not really, I think if we ever get off this godforsaken island, we should get your eyesight checked."

Mo just laughed and got off from the wall, chucking the stone behind him.

"And who's gonna pay for that, huh? The Social Services, The state council?No ones gonna pay anything more than food and shelter for orphans, much less us 'bags of misfits'" Mo over exaggerated the air quotes on the words Mrs Carlton always said to us.

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