Chapter 4: Ferrari

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"Oh my god! Tony!" I pull him into a tight hug, so tight he probably has trouble breathing. I feel a light chuckle go through his body whereas I'm crying with joy.

Tony and I were bestfriends in elementary school. Kindergarten through 5th grade, but he moved somewhere and I'm guessing New York was that place.

"Haha, Bella please," Tony laughs, "You're squeezing the air out of me."

I laugh along and let go of him, "So, what are you doing in this cafe? Have you ordered or were you just leaving?"

"I was just gonna get a couple donuts and an omelette to-go, I haven't ate since dinner last night," Tony smiles, "I'd love to catch up with you. Say we go chat it up when my food's ready?"

"Of course," I agree.

"Great, well the ca--"

"Order 62! Your food is ready!" The cashier rings.

Tony winks at me, "Better get that," and leaves to get his food.

I can't believe Tony found me. Maybe this situation of being kicked out won't be so bad.

"Okay, so let's get to my car," He says when he returns.

"Sure thing," I sing.


My mouth dropped in amazement as I waited to hear an unlock sound in the parking lot and who knew? Tony drives a red Ferrari.

"This is so cool!" I thought as I got into the car.

"So, Bella," He starts the engine, "What are you doing in New York? If I can recall, you lived in a small state no one cares about."

So he's gonna tease me?

"I live here now," I chime, "And last time I checked, you were living in that 'small state no one cares about', too."

He grins widely and let's out a chuckle, "Well, that backfired."

"You're a loser," I tease.

"Like you're any better?" He snickers.

"I am way better," I joke.

Being with Tony always cheered my mood up. I don't know why. We've always had a special bond, I'm glad I ran into him today.

"Well, you said you live here now," Tony says, driving out of the parking lot, "Is Clarissa around? I'd love to see her!"

"No.. She left about a year and a few months ago," I sigh.

"Ouch... Sorry."

"It's okay," I reply.

"Well, how about your dad? We talked pretty well, I'd love to see him," He said without taking his eyes off the road.

My dad is around. He's around, but he doesn't want me around. I don't want to tell Tony my life is fucked up and I got kicked out a little over four hours ago, but I don't want to lie to him either..

"You can't see him right now," I reply bluntly.

"Damn, why not?" He says curiously.

I sigh loudly, and don't reply, staring at the road blankly. After a few seconds of silence, he pulls over on the sidewalk, and stares into my eyes, "Is something wrong, Bella?"

"Everything is," I admit.

And again, the tears are back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2013 ⏰

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