Chapter 27

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♫Dont ever question if my heart beats only for you, it beats only for you♫

Chapter 27. 🌺


I woke up to an aching headache and a churning stomach. "Oh my goddddd." I moaned softly, letting my head fall back onto the soft, crumpled onesie (Liam's, I believe) that I seemed to have used as a pillow.

"Holy sh*t. Um, Harry? Amber?" a familiar irish accent cursed. "Go away, I feel like crap." I demanded, trying to close my eyes and fall back to sleep. "What the heck did you do?" Niall quizzed.

"I dont know. I remember playing a game with Harry but I dont remember what...oh." It all came flooding back to me in a huge tidal wave. Which did not help my hangover headache. I catapulted myself upright, trying my best to ignore the pounding in my ears.

"Oh my god. Niall. Where's Harry..." I demanded at the blonde haired boy, but trailed off as I saw Haz passed out a few feet away from me.

"Niall. Oh Lord...Harry kissed me. We were dead drunk, it was a dare...oh my graham crackers." I mumbled. Niall didnt look surprised.

"Louis is moping around on the sofa again. You might wanna go explain what this whole thing is. I dont think Louis can deal." And with that, Niall left the room without even smiling. Guilt washed over me as I realized the full extent of what was happening. Harry. Oh my god, that little fudgeface. I let out a frustrated groan and stomped my way to the curly haired chesire boy.

"HAROLD." I bellowed, kicking him hard (ish) in the ribs. HArry moaned quietly and his eyes fluttered open sleepily.

"Ohhhhh snap. Everything hurts...did I get hammered last night? I cant remember a goddamn thin-oh never mind." Harry's face changed from pained and confused to realization. He looked blankly at the floor for a second before abruptly turning to me.

"Oh Amber. Oh my...oh my god. Im so sorry, I didnt mean...snap. I was drunk, insane. Im sososososo sorry" Harry babbled. I cut him off with a sharp glare.

"Your not helping me right now, Harry. Because of your stupid drunken dare, im in a mess. Louis somehow stumbled across your freaking idiotic dare and saw us kissing. He's upset, and Nialls angry with me. So get your lazy a$$ off the floor and to the kitchen. You made this entire shenanigan happen, so your going to help fix it." I commanded, kicking Harry lightly in the ribs as I tried to hold back tears. What if Louis didnt forgive me? What if he realized I wasnt pretty enough and it was all the well Harry kissed me because he didnt want me anymore. Or, what if he broke up with me before I could apologize? My mind was running away. SO I did the logical thing. I practically dragged the hungover Harry out to the other room with me. I dragged Harry all the way to the sofa, where, as Niall had said, Louis was moping.

"Lou." I nearly whispered, as Harry scrambled to his feet. Louis raised his head to me, and as he did I noticed his eyes were red and bloodshot. Oh god.

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