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"We have to move to Miami because your dad had got a new job!"says.

In this moment i would just disappear forever.

It doesn't make any sense.

We are good as this.

We have a beautiful house,lots of friends,school sucks but people are wonderful,and dad and mum has much money.

"We are good as this."I say.

"I know honey,but we cannot refuse.John Dallas trusts you dad and he wants him near because of business. But think about you two could win : a bigger house,a school that will give you a suitable education,new friends and lot of other things. Miami is simply wonderful!"my mum says forcing to keep a smile on her face.

"Who is John Dallas?"asks Kate.

"A dear friend of University,and the boss of your dad"answer my mum.

"This isn't the point. Mum,I'm not sayng that Miami isn't beautiful,but all my friends are here! I don't want others"I say.

"We all have friends here"beat again Kate.

"I know honey,but friends comes and go! I'm sure you will make some new friends"

"I won't leave Cass and Trevor. You perfectly know that we are inseparable and that I really care about them"

"There is internet! You can keep in touch with socials"says.

It seems like she has a solution for every problem. But I'm sure that it's really hard to keep in touch with people. I'm not saying that it is impossible. Just hard.

"It isn't easy as you think. When do we leave?" I ask.

"Tomorrow after school me and your dad will come to pick you immediatly and from there we will go to the arroport"

"WHAT?"I scream.

"Love.."says my mum,but I stop her saying:"NO! Leave me alone"

I get up from the chair and I got to my room.

I throw my self on the ned and I breath deeply to not let tears start coming out from my eyes.

I'm not ready to leave the people that I love and the city that I loved and hated at the same time.

Cass and Trevor.

I know them since we were little,how will I leave them? How will I recreate my life without them?

I go away from my bed ,and I stretch the hand to the night table to pick a little frame with a photo of us smiling. Cass gave it to me on my fifteenth birthday.

From that moment,I conserve this photo full of memories.

Many memories.

Maybe too much.

Just thinking about my life without them makes me cry.

Also,in the school,people are very nice. I'm the tipical sicteen years-old girl with many friends.

I can't say goodbye to this all just for a stupid job.

I put the photo on the night table and I pick my phone to call Cass.

She has to know this.

"Cris"she says "I knew that you would call me! I've always told you that math is difficult and that you should study it everyday"

"Cas..I didn't call you for this.."I say crying.

"What happened?"

"Tomorrow will be my last day on this city. We have to move"I say drying the tears that doesn't stop running down.

"WHAT??"Cass screams on the phone"Please,tell that this is just another of your stupid jokes"

I belt up.

"No,Cris! Why? Oh,wait. Let's meet in our 'secret'place. You know that I hate talking about these things on the phone! I'll call Trevor"

"Yeah,okay"I say hooking up.

I go out of my bed and I go near the mirror to fix rapidly the make-up.

Then I take my phone and I go out from house.

When I arrive at the bottom of the stairs and I take the door handle,someone's voice stops me.

"Cris"resound my mum's voice in the hallway "Where are you going?"

I take a deep breathe and say:" I'm going to say goodbye to the people that I love"

"Honey,you know why we are leaving"says with a sad tone.

"Yeah. For a fucking job. We don't need it!"

"Don't talk to me in this way. And you havo to know that when you will return home,you'll have to prepare the suitcase to put them in the car,so we won't waste time tomorrow"

I immediately turn and I go out beating the door to make her understand that I don't like this choice at all.

I walk with rapid steps to arrive as soon as possible to our meeting place,that is the park in front of Cass's house.

I receive a message and while I pick the phone,I fall in a boy.

"Sorry"I say.

He looks at me and then he goes away.

When I arrive,I see my two best friends sit on our bench.

I enter and I reach them.

When they see me,they rapidly hug me.

In this moment,I start crying.

I feel Trevor's hand on my back trying to calm me,but his attempt fails.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2015 ⏰

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