Chapter Five: Confrontations

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I realized halfway through my first class that I'd completely forgotten in my rush to see if Chance was okay to put my homework in my backpack. I was able to convince my teacher to let me bring it in the next morning, but it bothered me.

I was never a straight-A student, but I was diligent, and worked hard at all of my subjects. I almost always held at least above average grades in every class. I'd never failed to turn in a homework assignment, at least not in years.

I was still inwardly grumbling about it when I made it into the lunchroom. The lights were always flickering in here. Did they ever intend to get anyone in to fix that? It made my brain itch.

Chance was at our usual table, having gotten there ahead of me as usual. His third hour teachers must let them out a little early every time. He already had his food, but waited patiently for me to join him before he picked up his fork.

"Hey Ryan," he said as I approached, though he was frowning.

"What's up?" I asked as I sat across from him.

"As much as I hate to do this to you..." he began. I frowned too, wondering what he could mean. "...weren't you supposed to go talk to Principal Avery?"

"Damn it!" I cursed. "You're right. I completely forgot. Man, this has not been my day." He gave me a sympathetic smile as I stood and raced back out into the halls, heading for the office. When I entered, Mrs. Bradley smiled.

"Good afternoon," she said warmly. There was something different in her eyes now though. Maybe it had been there this morning. I hadn't been paying as much attention. Was it sympathy? What was going on?

"Hello, Mrs. Bradley. Is he ready for me?" I asked. She nodded, and gestured me back toward the principal's office. I thanked her and moved through the doorway. I froze before I'd taken a single step inside. My dad was seated in one of the two chairs across from the principal's desk.

"Dad..." I said, stunned.

"Hi Ryan," was all he said.

"Come in please, Mr. Jacobs," Principal Avery told me. I looked his way. I'd seen him in the halls, though I'd never spoken to him.

He was a solid man. Not fat, but distinctly barrel-shaped. His huge, square jaw, and thick moustache made me think he'd have made a decent character in a western film. He wore a three-piece suit, but he definitely looked like he'd be more comfortable in Wranglers and a Stetson, which only added to my mental image of the cowboy movie character. I entered the room, not noticing as Mrs. Bradley closed the door behind me. I sat beside my father.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I asked him to come, Mr. Jacobs," Principal Avery said.

"Why?" I asked pointedly.

"There've been some troubling rumors circling the school about you, Mr. Jacobs," he replied.

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