Chapter 1

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And bang treble down tip down and treble toe cut one two and treble toe hop step kick kick and toe stamp.
"C'mon, Ciara! Keep pushing! I want to see this next click at your nose!" My dance teacher, Annie, yells.
Treble and hop step hit up and hit up and up click down. My foot almost hits my face.
"There it is!" Annie shouts happily.
I'm fighting through the last step of my hornpipe after a long day of practicing.
You're almost done, I think to myself, do this for nationals!
Treble and hop back bang treble toe!
I finish, panting, and Annie turns off the music.
"Girls, there's five minutes left in class, I want everyone to do some deep stretching. Ciara, can I talk to you outside please?" She asks. My best friend, Carly, looks at me curiously as I follow Annie out of the room and into the lobby.
I have been in the studio for the last nine hours. I had a private this morning from 11:00 to 12:30, and then I had to help student teach beginners through prizewinner from 12:45 to 2:45 , and then I had a Pilates class from 3:00 to 3:45, and then my little sister, Marisa, had nationals practice from 4:00 to 6:00, while I had a break, and then I had my nationals practice from 6:00 to now, 8:00. Marisa has a private from 8:15 to 9:00, and then we finally get to go home!
I can hardly pick up my legs as I trail Annie into the lobby, where all the dancers keep their bags.
"How are you feeling about nationals and the feis tomorrow, Ciara?" Annie asks. I almost forgot that I have a feis tomorrow!
"Um, alright, I guess..." I say, unsure. Does Annie think I'm dancing poorly? I wonder anxiously.
"Well, I think you are dancing phenomenal," Annie says. "In fact, I know that your goal for nationals is top five, but I think that you should go for the top three."
My jaw drops. That came out of nowhere!
"Top three?" I ask meekly. Annie nods.
"Ciara, you are perfectly capable. If you dance your best, you even might have a good shot at winning the whole thing."
"Annie, that's very sweet of you, but Julie O'Conner is in my competition, and she's the world champion...."
Julie and I met at my Irish dance camp I had arrived home from about two weeks ago, Campa Damhsa na hÉireann. Now, Julie's one of my best friends. It's sad though, because she lives in California and I live in Connecticut, but at least we get to see each other at some majors.
"Ciara, this isn't about who's in your competition, it's about you and your dancing, not anyone else. Got it?"
I nod and thank Annie, and then I go back into the practice room to finish stretching.
Now, I have pressure from Annie to win nationals, pressure from myself to come in the top five, and pressure from my instructors at camp telling me  I was capable of "Great things".
This whole situation is just wonderful.
"What was that all about?" Carly asks as I sit down next to her.
"Nothing, just random stuff." I mumble.
I don't  want her to tell me that I was going to do great, either. Even though I know that everyone just wants to encourage me, it just makes me more nervous.
Annie called that class was over, and I leave to go sit in the lobby while Marisa starts her private. There's another little girl sitting in the lobby, who looks to be about 7 or 8. She has dark curly hair and she's swinging her legs back and forth. I recognize her from one of the earlier classes as Morgan. She's so cute!
"Hi!" I say I a friendly way.
"Hi," she blushes. The adorableness is real. Suddenly, Annie pokes her head out the door.
"Hey, Ciara, I just got a text from Karen." Karen is my other dance teacher. "She's stuck in traffic. Can you warm up Morgan for her private, please?"
"Thanks. Karen wants her in softshoes."
I lead Morgan to one of the empty studios.
"So, what level are you in, Morgan?" I ask as I help her tie her shoes.
"Well, I'm mostly in prizewinner but I just have my reel in novice. I'm going to the feis tomorrow, and I really wanna get into all prizewinner!" She says excitedly.
"Cool! I'm going to the feis tomorrow too!" I say.
I have her do some softshoe drills, and as she's dancing her reel, Karen arrives.
"Thank you so much, Ciara!" She says.
"No problem," I answer, even though I'm exhausted.
I walk into the lobby, grab my phone, and walk back into the hall and sit on a bench up against the wall. I decided to go on my group text with some girls from camp, called "GROUP CHAT OF CHAMPIONS🎉"
Me: heyyyyyy anyone going to the feis in Connecticut 2morrow?
Gwacie💜: meeeeee :D
Carly💁🏼: OMG yayyyyy me and Ciara are going!!!!
Gwacie💜: yasssss
Jules💕: Guys I miss you SOOO much I can't wait till nationals on Wednesday 😭
I suddenly remember that I dance at nationals in four days. I'm not sure whether to be excited or terrified.
I text my friends for a little while, and before I know it my mom has arrived to pick us up. When we arrive home, I prepare my things for the feis.

[Hey everyone! I am super pumped to get started with this book, and I hope you are too! Just a few reminders:
1. This whole story is completely made up, including all the dancer names and school names.
2. This is book 2 in the Irish Dance Camp series. If you haven't read the first book, go do that!
3. I want your feedback! :) ]

What It All Comes Down To (Book 2 in the Irish Dance Camp series)Where stories live. Discover now